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Relation Table

Accountants Enterprise only

Relations are contacts that are associated with other contacts stored in the database. Using Relations enables multi-tiered reports to be produced linking one or more contacts together. The Relation Table Entries window lists all relation types in the database.

All system generated Relations are show a System Required icon. All user defined Relations do not show a system required icon.

Buttons on the window are:

Properties: Provides detail on an existing name

New: Creates a new name

Delete: Deletes an existing name

Cancel: Exits the window

List: Right click provides access to the List option.


Relation: A ten alphanumeric character field; enter a code to identify the type of relation. For example; you may wish to associate business partners - the code could be BUSPAR.

Description: A sixty character field; enter a precise description for the relation item you are adding, for example, Business Partner.

Reciprocal: A ten alphanumeric character field; this refers to the allocation of a reciprocal code. The nominated relation type must already be created. For example, when adding a relation such as FATHER to a contact, another nominated contact will be assigned the code of Son. Click [F10] or the ellipse to display the Relation table for you to select a relation from. Highlight the relation code required and click Select to accept. This then enters this code in the Reciprocal field.

This means that when you assign a relation item with a reciprocal code (such as father and son) to a contact, the relative contact nominated will be assigned the reciprocal code. So if you assign the relation Father to a contact, the system will assign the reciprocal code of Son to the relative contact. A reciprocal relation may also have the same relationship, for example, associate.

Multiples: Answering [Y] in this option allows you to assign several of the same relation items to a contact on your system.

This option is useful if, for example, a father has several sons. By nominating multiples for a relation, a contact may then have two or more relations of the same category.

Click Reporting > Relation tree report and a detailed listing of existing relations between contacts in your database. That is, a contact with the relation Father will print with all his sons listed together.

If you answer Y to multiples and create this relation item as a variable to be used in letter writing, the first instance on file will print on the letter. That is, when you attach the relation Father to two contacts on your database, the first one will be picked up.

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