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Sportsperson/Author/Artist Details

Not available in Accountants Office

The Sportsperson/Author/Artist Details screen is used to enter the information concerning the application of the income averaging scheme for abnormal income earners and prevents these taxpayers from being pushed into higher tax brackets when their income from eligible sources fluctuates above their average income from these sources.

Year of Income

Year of Income pursuant to S405-50: Enter the first qualifying year for this taxpayer, that is, the first year of income to be included in the averaging scheme. The year entered determines the number of eligible income fields that become available. For example, in the 2017 income year, if you enter the year 2013 four Eligible Income fields are available for data entry. If you enter 2017, only one Eligible Income field is activated.

Residency status: Select original resident or original non-resident from the dropdown list.


  • 2013 Eligible Taxable Income

  • 2014 Eligible Taxable Income

  • 2015 Eligible Taxable Income

  • 2016 Eligible Taxable Income

Enter any amount of the eligible income which is salary income for the taxpayer. This will be part of the eligible assessable income for the taxpayer.

Section 405-20

2018 Eligible Salary Income: Enter the eligible salary income for the taxpayer for income year shown. This will be part of the eligible assessable income for the taxpayer.

2018 Eligible Other Income: Enter the amount of eligible other income for the taxpayer for income year shown. This will be part of the eligible assessable income for the taxpayer.

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