Calculation Profile
Not available in Accountants Office
The Calculation Profile automatically displays when a new calculation is first opened.
Description: You may edit the description of the calculation if required.
Date of birth: Enter the taxpayer's date of birth in the format DD-MM-CCYY.
Tax file Number: This number pre-fills from the taxpayer's return present in the Tax for the current income year.
Selecting a Status checkbox, except for Final Return, activates its corresponding button. For example, select the Marital Status checkbox to make Spouse Details active.
Resident checkbox activates the Tax-free threshold button allowing access to the Reduced Tax-free Threshold dialog.
Minors and Div. 6AA checkbox activates the Excepted/Eligible button allowing access to the Minors and Div. 6AA dialog.
Primary Producer checkbox activates the Primary Producer button allowing access to the Primary Production Averaging dialog.
Eligible professional checkbox activates the Special Professional button allowing access to the Sportsperson/Author/Artist Details dialog.
Sec.98 and Sec.99 checkbox activates the Type of Estimate button allowing access to the Trustee Estimate Type dialog.
Adjusted Taxable Income (ATI) checkbox activates the ATI button allowing access to the Dependency Offset Adjusted Taxable Income.
Marital Status checkbox activates the Spouse Details button allowing access to the Spouse Details dialog dialog.
Running Balance Account checkbox activates the Running Balance Account button allowing access to the Running Balance Account (General tab) dialog. If you want to include amounts from on the Tax Agents' Portal, they can be entered here to be included in the estimate.
Edit those topics that require information to assist in the calculation of the Tax Estimate. For example if the taxpayer is a Primary Producer, select the Primary Producer button and enter the relevant previous
When all required details have been entered, select OK to save the information.