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Validation Tables

Accountants Enterprise only

Validation Tables are pick-lists that can be defined by the user (or other MYOB applications) to limit the values attached to a sort view to items in the relevant validation table.

Tax, for example, uses a validation table for occupation codes - the table is maintained centrally by Central Database but used primarily from within a tax return. The benefit of the table being in Central Database is that the user can then use these values for sorting and filtering in reports and letters.

All system generated Validation tables show a system required icon in the Use column. No user defined Validation table shows the system required icon.

Buttons available on this window are:

Open: Opens the validation table. For example, if an ATO Occupation code is being processed, click Open to display the Occupation code table which is used in your Tax ledger. You may only edit the description of a System Required table, but you may edit both the Value and Description for there tables you define yourself.

Properties: Click Properties to open the Validation Table Properties window. You can edit the code and description of the table.

New: Click New to open the Validation Table Properties window. You can create a new Validation table by providing a unique code and a description.

Delete: Click Delete to remove an entire Validation table.

Cancel: Exits the window.

List: Right-click to access the List option for the Validation Tables.

To create a validation table
  1. Click Maintenance > Validation Table.

  2. Select New.

  3. Complete the code and description fields.

  4. Save the new Validation Table.

  5. Attach values to the new table

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