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Activity statement obligations homepage (ASO)

The ASO homepage streamlines and automates activity statement (AS) preparation.


If this is the first time you've opened the ASO homepage, you'll find it empty.

To get your first Activity Statement Lodgment Report (ASLRPT) from the ATO, you'll need to schedule a time to receive it via PLS. See Agent Reports homepage for further details.

The ASLRPT is not the same as the AS Client List (RPTAS). It replaces these ELS reports:

  • RPTAB (BAS clients),
  • RPTAI (Income tax instalment (IAS) clients),
  • RPTOM (Both BAS and IAS).

There is no equivalent PLS report for the activity statement Client List (the old ELS RPTAS).


The day after you schedule to receive your ASLRPT you can:

  • open the ASO homepage
  • view a list of all the clients that you've lodged an activity statement for in the last 6 months.

You can then:

  • download pre-fill data
  • create activity statements
  • pre-lodge activity statements via PLS.

To open the activity statement obligations homepage, select the Tax drop-down and click Activity Statement Obligations.

Activity statement obligations homepage columns
Client Name

This is the name on the client’s income tax return. To open an activity statement click the client name.

If the name is greyed out, it means there's no pre-fill information available.
To activate these links: click Refresh in the Tasks bar to update the grid when the report status is Pre-fill ready.
For some environments, you may need a current year tax return to create an activity statement. See Creatingacurrentyeartaxreturn for more information.
If an activity statement already exists in Tax, you'll be asked if you wish to pre-fill it with data from the ATO. You can overwrite the existing data by pre-filling, or you can keep your existing data.

Client CodeClick the client code to open the client page.
Agent Number

The tax agent reference number (TAN) of the agent acting for this client.

DINThe exclusive document identification number for the original, and any revisions of the client's activity statement.
Form NameDescription of the activity statement.
Period StartThe start date for the period the activity statement covers.
Period EndThe end date for the period the activity statement covers.

The current status of the activity statement, for example:

  • Pre-fill Pending
  • Pre-fill Ready
  • In Progress
  • Sent for Signature
  • Lodged
  • Paper Only

See Status for more information.

ExceptionThis is a brief message explaining the reason your pre-fill action wasn't satisfactory. For example, No Report, Pre-fill error. See Exceptions for the full list of messages.
FrequencyShows if the activity statement is due for lodgment monthly, quarterly or annually. It is pre-filled from the ATO report.
Date DueThis is the legislated due date for the period.
Pre-lodge StatusThis can be Not requested, Pre-lodge passed, or Pre-lodge rejected.

Columns in the Field Chooser

Use the field chooser to add additional reporting columns to the grid. No explanation provided where the description of the field is self-explanatory.


Australian business number.

PartnerThe partner assigned to the client.
Pre-lodge Rejection FileOpens the rejection file for viewing.
Statement TypeDisplays the ATO letter code for the type of statement the client is lodging. For example, Form A, Form R, Form C, Form X.
TFNTax file number.
Lodge ByYou can use the filter to include only those activity statements lodged by the agent and vice versa.
CompanyWhere there is more than one company, you can assign the company to the client.


Family Group 
Branch CodeABN branch code





Pre-fill ready

Pre-fill data is ready. Click the client name link to pre-fill the data into the activity statement.

Pre-fill pending

Still retrieving pre-fill data from the ATO.

Paper only

The form type isn't supported by PLS, and can only be lodged by paper.


The activity statement was lodged.

In progress

The activity statement was pre-filled with information from the ATO.


Exceptions are issues or scenarios that have been detected in an activity statement. These can help you troubleshoot any problems with an activity statement.

No Report

You'll get this message if your client's AS obligation isn't in the ATO report. This happens if:

  • the client is lodging their own activity statement, or
  • this is a new client for the agent and you've not yet registered the details with the ATO.

Version 2018.1a only:

If the Last Received Date of a scheduled ASLRPT is more than 2 days old, you'll see a message at the bottom of the Activity Statement Obligations homepage with a red indicator:

'Scheduled report has not been retrieved by # agents. Please check Agent Reports homepage for details.'

In the Agent Reports homepage, click the status hyperlink to view the error and its explanation.

Pre-fill Error

An error was detected during the pre-fill process. Click the link to view the error report.

After resolving the issue, select the row and click Activity Statement > Resend Prefill Request in the Tasks bar.

Report PendingActivity statement lodged, but the report not updated. When the report's received from the ATO, we'll update the status and remove it from the grid.
No ClientNo client is associated with the report. To resolve this, add a new client on the Contact page. The system automatically associates the activity statement to the new client.

No Return (Series 6 & 8)

The system couldn't find an associated tax return. You'll need to add a tax return manually, then add the activity statement.
Activity statement obligations homepage Tasks bar



Schedule Reports

Opens the Agent Report homepage where you can schedule the activity statement lodgment report for each agent.

Single Request

Click Single Request to manually add an AS client whose obligations are missing in the homepage.

The activity statement lodgment report (ASLRPT) only includes obligations for 2015 and later. You'll need to perform a single request to add any for 2014 and earlier. The activity statement lodgment report only contains obligations from 2015.

See Creating an activity statement for a client not on the obligations homepage for more information.


Sends the activity statement to the ATO for data checking. This menu is not available if the status is Pre-fill ready.

You must lodge the form from the Lodgmnet Manager homepage not the ASO homepage. See Lodgment Manager.

Pre-lodge Rejection Report

We'll enable the menu when an activity statement pre-lodge fails ATO checks. Select the menu to open a Rejection report listing the errors.

Resend Pre-fill Request

We'll enable this link when a record contains pre-fill errors (as shown in the Exception column).

After fixing the pre-fill error, click Resend pre-fill request. Another pre-fill request will be sent to the ATO to complete the process.

Lodge by Agent

Click Lodge by Agent to identify that you will lodge the activity statement on behalf of the client. See Lodge by agent and lodge by client option for more information.

Lodge by Client

Click Lodge by Client to identify that the client will lodge the activity statement. See Lodge by agent and lodge by client option for more information.

PLS Agent Settings

This window shows the registered PLS Agents, and if they have onboarded or not. To access this, click Practice > PLS Agent Settings in the Tasks bar.

An Agent is onboarded if they have a green tick in the Authorised column; otherwise, they'll have a red cross.

To onboard an agent who's not yet authorised, click Authorise  and follow the prompts. See Registering multiple ABNs for more information.
Update statusThe status of the activity statement can be set to ‘lodged’ or ‘not lodged’. Activity statements that are ready for lodgment will show a green tick.
Print PDFPrints a PDF of the Activity Statement for the clients you select. The FACS Print job has the Tax Office copy PDF attribute selected. See Print tax form options.
Not RequiredMark activity statement as not required. See Not Required.
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