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Auto saving to Document Manager

Not available in Accountants Office

The Print Preview toolbar provides the Share It button when Practice Manager installed. This function allows users to profile tax returns to the client’s Document tab in Practice Manager. When Share It is selected the Create Document Wizard opens with the Client Code and document Title pre-filled.

For more information on using Document Manager refer to About Document Manager.

To profile tax returns to the client's Document tab
  1. With the income tax return open, click Reports > Print Return to open the Print Form window.

  2. Make your selections and click OK.

  3. From the Print window, click Preview to open the Print Preview window.

  4. Click the icon 

    on the toolbar as shown here:

  5. The Create Document Wizard opens with both Contact and Title pre-filled.
  6. Make your selections and click Next to move on to the Profiling tab.

  7. Make your selections on the Profiling tab and click Finish. The tax return is now profiled to the client's Document tab in Practice Manager.

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