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Business income statements and payment summaries (bip)


ATO has decommissioned the Payment summary schedule (PS) and replaced it with Business Income Statements and Payment Summaries (bip).

Complete the Business Income Statements and Payment Summaries (bip) to enter payment summary data at Item 14 - Personal Services Income (Individual Return) or Item 15 - Net income or loss from business.

Accessing the bip worksheet

To open the bip worksheet:

For Personal services income (PSI) (Item 14)

  • click Item 14: label G, H or J in the tax return or
  • at P1 - Personal services income (PSI) worksheet, click label M, N or O.

For business income (Item 15)

  • Click label Label C, D, B, E, F N and O at P8 - Business income and expenses.

Outside the labels:

  • Select Preparation > Schedule > Business income statements and payment summaries (bip)
  • Go to Preparation > Schedule > Income details schedule > Enter Y at Section W - Business income statements and payment summaries.

You can use the ATO Pre-fill to download reports and check what the ATO has received from the employer. See What data pre-fills into Tax?

To complete the bip worksheet
  1. Open the bip woksheet.
  2. Enter the Payer name and ABN.
  3. Select Income type - Business or Personal Services.
  4. Select Payment type
    1. 001 - Labour hire
    2. 002 - Other specified payments
    3. 003 - Voluntary agreement
    4. 011 - Foreign resident withholding
    5. 012 - No ABN quoted.
  5. Enter the Industry production Type:
    1. N - Non-Primary production
    2. P - Primary production
  6. Enter Tax Withheld, Gross payments, and reportable employer super contributions
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