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Deductions schedule (DDCTNS)

From 1 July 2018, complete and lodge a deductions schedule (DDCTNS) with your return if you've claimed a deduction at any of items D1D10 and D12D15.

There is no ATO-PDF copy of the Deductions schedule.

RSD and Rollover

The only deductions worksheets that rollover this year are the:

  • Motor vehicle worksheet (mve)
  • Depreciation worksheet (d)
  • Personal superannuation contributions worksheet (psc).

There's no need to change your work flow process, you can:

  • complete each expense label as you've always done
  • use the worksheets provided at the return labels
  • click the label in the main return to open the worksheet. If there's no worksheet, the DDCTNS opens.

Every deduction item's worksheet links to the DDCTNS, except D11.

We'll populate the DDCTNS with details and amounts you've entered for each expense item.

The totals in the DDCTNS for each item are not transmitted to the ATO. They are cross-referenced to the individual return.

There are 3 ways to open a DDCTNS (or other schedule):

  • Click the label
  • Select the <name of schedule> from the navigation pane ATO schedules
  • Select Preparation > Schedules > <name of schedule>


To complete D1 Work-related car expenses

D1: Label AWork related car expenses. There have been minor changes to the mve worksheet. See Motor vehicle worksheet (mve)

Click label A to open the mve and prepare the worksheet as you did in previous years.

When you save the mve, the amount you're claiming passes to D1: label A in the main return.

At the same time, the transactions are passed to D1 in the DDCTNS:

See Item D1 - Work-related car expenses for full details. 

To complete D2 Work-related travel expenses

D2: Label BWork related travel expenses. This worksheet has been removed and you do your data entry directly in the DDCTNS

If you've completed the Motor vehicle worksheet (mve) or the Depreciation worksheet (d), any relevant amounts are pre-filled.

There is one visible row for details and amount. To add rows press Ctrl+Insert. To delete rows, press Ctrl+Delete.

You can claim up to 20 related expenses.

When you close the DDCTNS:

We'll pass the D2 total to D2 label B in the main return:

See Item D2 - Work-related travel expenses

To complete D3 Work related clothing, laundry and dry cleaning expenses

D3: Label CWork related clothing, laundry and dry cleaning expenses. The Generic schedule behind this label has been removed and you do your data entry directly in the DDCTNS.

There is one visible row for detail and amount. To add rows press Ctrl+Insert. To delete rows, press Ctrl+Delete.

You can claim up to 20 related expenses.

When you close the DDCTNS:

We'll pass the D3 total to D3 label C in the main return:

See Item D3 - Work-related clothing, laundry and dry-cleaning expenses

To complete D4 Work-related self-education expenses

D4: Label DWork related self-education expenses. This worksheet has been redesigned to meet the ATO's requirements. See Work-related self-education Expenses worksheet (sed)

If you've completed the Motor vehicle worksheet (mve) or the Depreciation worksheet (d), any relevant amounts are pre-filled.

You can claim up to 20 related expenses.

If you are claiming stationery or books, you don't need to record each item, just your total stationery and books costs.

When you close the worksheet the amount you're claiming passes to D4 label D in the main return:

At the same time, the transactions are passed to the D4 in the DDCTNS:

See Item D4 - Work-related self-education expenses

To complete D5 Other work related expenses

D5: Label EOther work related expenses. The worksheet has been redesigned to meet the ATO's requirements. See Other Work Related Expenses worksheet (pwe)

You cannot enter data directly into the Deductions schedule for D5. You must use the worksheet.

If you've completed the Motor vehicle worksheet (mve) or the Depreciation worksheet (d), any relevant amounts are pre-filled.

You can claim up to 50 related expenses.

If you are claiming the same sorts of item, for example: stationery or books, you don't need to record each item, just your total stationery and books costs.

When you close the worksheet, the amount you're claiming passes to D5 label E in the main return:

At the same time, the transactions are passed to the D5 in the DDCTNS:

See Other deductions worksheet (ode)

If you've used the ATO Pre-fill, any related information will be pre-filled into the Other Work Related Expenses worksheet (pwe).

See Pre-fill manager for information on the PLS ATO-pre-fill functionality. 

To complete D6 Low value pool deduction

D6: Label KLow value pool deduction. The worksheet behind this item is the Depreciation worksheet (d)

There is no free data entry field in the DDCTNS for low value pool deductions. You must use the worksheet.

  • Click label D6
  • Select the depreciation worksheet from Navigation pane for worksheets
  • Preparation > Schedules > Depreciation worksheet

If you've completed the Motor vehicle worksheet (mve) or the Depreciation worksheet (d), any relevant amounts are pre-filled and added to the total.

When you close the worksheet the amount you're claiming passes to D6 label K in the main return:

At the same time, the transactions are passed to the D6 in the DDCTNS:

See Item D6 - Low value pool deduction

To complete D7 Interest deductions

D7: Label IInterest deductions. The worksheet idd has been removed and you do your data entry directly in the DDCTNS.

If you've completed the Motor vehicle worksheet (mve) or the Depreciation worksheet (d), any relevant amounts are pre-filled.

There is one visible row for details and amount. To add rows press Ctrl+Insert. To delete rows, press Ctrl+Delete.

You can claim up to 20 related expenses.

When you close the DDCTNS:

We'll pass the D7 total to D7 label I in the main return:

See Item D7 - Interest deductions

To complete D8 Dividend deductions

D8: Label HDividend deductions. The worksheet ddd has been removed and you do your data entry directly in the DDCTNS.

If you've completed the Motor vehicle worksheet (mve) or the Depreciation worksheet (d), any relevant amounts are pre-filled.

There is one visible row for details and amount. To add rows press Ctrl+Insert. To delete rows, press Ctrl+Delete.

You can claim up to 20 related expenses.

When you close the DDCTNS:

We'll pass the D8 total to D8 label H in the main return:

See Item D8 - Dividend deductions

To complete D9 Gifts or donations

D9: Label JGifts or donations. The dissection grid has been replaced by the Gifts or Donations worksheet (pgd).

You can claim up to 20 related expenses.

When you close the worksheet the amount you're claiming passes to D9 label J in the main return:

At the same time, the transactions are passed to the D9 in the DDCTNS:

See Item D9 - Gifts or donations.

To complete D10 Cost of managing tax affairs

D10: Cost of managing tax affairs - Labels N, L and M are covered by the Cost of managing tax affairs (cmt).

You must use the worksheet to complete D10 as there are no editable fields in the DDCTNS.

There is one visible row for details and amount. To add rows press Ctrl+Insert. To delete rows, press Ctrl+Delete.

You can claim up to 20 related expenses.

If you've completed the Motor vehicle worksheet (mve) or the Depreciation worksheet (d), any relevant amounts are pre-filled and added to the total expenses.

When you close the worksheet cmt, we'll:

Pass the total amounts for the three labels to the main return:

Pass the details and amounts to N, L and M to D10 in the DDCTNS:

See Item D10 - Cost of managing tax affairs.

To complete D12 Personal superannuation contributions

See Item D12 label H on the ATO website for further information.

D12: Label HPersonal Superannuation contributions. The worksheet has been redesigned to meet the ATO's requirements. See Personal superannuation contributions (psc).

You cannot enter data directly into the Deductions Schedule. You must use the psc worksheet.

You can claim up to 25 contribution Fund details and amounts.

When you close the worksheet the amount you're claiming passes to D12 label H in the main return:

At the same time, the transactions are passed to the D12 in the DDCTNS:

See Item D12 - Personal Superannuation Contributions

If you've used the ATO Pre-fill, any related information will be pre-filled into the Personal superannuation contributions (psc) .

See Pre-fill manager for information on the PLS ATO-pre-fill functionality. 

To complete D13 Deduction for project pool

D13: Label DDeduction for project pool. The worksheet behind this item is the Depreciation worksheet (d).

If you don't want to use the Depreciation worksheet, there is a free data entry field in the DDCTNS where you can enter the details and total amount:

When you close the DDCTNS the amount you're claiming passes to D13 label D in the main return:

See Item D13 - Deduction for Project Pool.

To complete D14 Forestry managed investment scheme deduction

The worksheet at this item is the Forestry managed investment scheme worksheet (fms)

If you've received income from Forestry managed investment schemes, then You can not have to complete this item.

The fms worksheet covers both income and deductions and passes values to both the:

  • income item 23: Label A and
  • deductions item D14: label F.

When you close the worksheet the amount you're claiming passes to D14 label F in the main return:

At the same time, the transactions are passed to the D14 in the DDCTNS:

See Item D14 - Forestry managed investment scheme deduction.

To complete D15 label E Election expenses

D15: Other deductions - Labels E.

This label covers the amount being claimed for election expenses you paid for local, territory or federal candidates.

The Generic schedule provided in previous years has been replaced by a direct link to the DDCTNS.

Click label E to open the Deductions schedule at D15: Election expenses in the DDCTNS.

There is no insert of additional rows for label E. Enter the total amount of your election expenses.

When you close the DDCTNS we'll pass the amount from D15E to label E in the main return.

To complete D15 label J Other deductions

See Item D15 Other Deductions on the ATO website for further information on what deductions are claimable at D15J.

Click label J to open the Other deductions worksheet (ode).

The ATO allows up to 100 different expense items to be lodged. To add rows to the ode, press Ctrl+Insert. To delete rows, press Ctrl+Delete.

Complete the ode worksheet remembering to select a Claim type code for each expense claimed.

When you close the worksheet, we'll pass the total of all entries to item D15 label J in the income tax return.

At the same time we'll pass the entries from the ode worksheet to D15J in the DDCTNS.

See Item D15 - Other Deductions

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