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Assessment Details

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The Return Assessment Details dialog lets you record details from the Notice of Assessment (NOA) issued by the ATO and to prepare the covering letter to accompany the NOA you want to send to your client. It also allows you to compare the tax payable/refund due amount on the NoA to the amount calculated in the F4 estimate.

When a batch of NoAs arrives from the ATO, you don't need to sort them into any order to prepare letters. This is because we only display the existing details for the return once you enter the TFN from the NOA.

To process a NoA
  1. Click Preparation > Assessment details.

  2. At Enter TFN: type the TFN of the first NoA to be processed or click the ellipsis and select the TFN from those listed. Click Enter.

  3. Tax displays the relevant balances in the This Year – Assessed fields ready for data entry. For information on the Assessment Details refer to Dataonthisdialog below.

  4. (Series 6 & 8) To manually adjust the Status of the current return, click Update Status, then adjust the status and click OK.

  5. (AE) If you use Tax Tracking or Status levels to monitor work in progress, update those details BEFORE you save the Assessment details. To do this, click Update Status or Alt+S, then adjust the status and click OK.

  6. Click OK or F6 to save the details for the current return. On saving the details for each return, we build a file that is printed in the same order as the TFNs are entered. This simplifies the process of reviewing and signing the assessment letters prior to posting to your clients.

  7. The process restarts at Enter TFN: field ready for the TFN of the next NOA to be entered. If you have no further NoAs to process leave the Enter TFN: field blank, and select OK, F6 or Cancel.

  8. At the prompt Have you finished entering assessments? answer Yes to continue.

  9. On the Print Letter Options dialog select the type of letter to be printed. The options are: Use Word Letters and Use Text Letters.

    • For MYOB AE, Use Word Letters only where Tax is supported by SQL database. This is in addition to the Use Text letters option.

  10. From the list of letters make your selection and click OK to start printing.

Data on this dialog
  • Enter TFN - You must key a TFN for any details to default to this dialog and Assessment details field to open to data entry. If you want to enter the details for one client only, press Enter at the field – the cursor will be on the return highlighted in the Select Return Index and you need only press Enter for those details to be pre-filled.

  • Last Year - Assessed - These details can't be edited as they've either rolled over from the previous year or the information was keyed by the user in Return Properties > PAYG/Lodge Tab.

  • This Year - Estimate - These details can't be edited as they've been passed from the Calculator during the preparation of the F4 Estimate.

  • This Year - Assessed - Enter details from the NoA.

  • Total tax/refund - This is the amount printed on the NoA at label L: Balance of this Assessment. If there are amounts in the This-Year estimate field, when you click into this field, that value will be pre-filled. If it is in agreement with the NoA value, continue. Otherwise investigate the difference to decide whether it's necessary to apply for an Amended assessment. If you are keying a refund value at this field, key a negative (-) before the amount.

  • Assessment number - This is the number printed on the top right-hand corner of the NoA - Sequence Number.

  • Date Assessment received - This is the date the Practice received the NoA. In Series 6 & 8 this date is displayed on the Tax Status tab of the Client’s Matter window.

  • Issue Date - This is the date printed on the top right-hand corner of the NoA - Date of Issue. Enter the date in the format DD-MM-CCYY. A warning message is displayed if you've entered an invalid date.

  • Date primary tax payable - This is the date printed on the statement at This amount is payable by.... Enter the date in the format DD-MM-CCYY. A warning message is displayed if you enter an invalid date.

  • Amendment no - If you are entering the details of an Amended Assessment, enter the number of the amendment (1 if this is the only Amendment made and lodged) for this return.

    The maximum number of amendments allowable for a return is 9.

  • Previous Assessment - This is only relevant if you have applied for an Amended Assessment and have lodged at least one Amended return for the client:

    1. Key the number of the Amendment

    2. click this button to view the previous Assessment details. If you've amended the return more than once, an index of those prior assessment details is displayed.

  • Note - This Note is used so that reminders or any other information regarding the client's tax position may be appended where required. The Note button becomes active when a return's details have been selected. Type the contents of the Note and F6 to save and display the Note.

    This Note may be printed using Reports > Print Notes. As the note may contain information specific to the Practice, it will not be included when you print the return and its accompanying schedules and notes.

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