This report selects and prints the Returns that have not had any Step for a particular Event attached.
To produce a List Returns not attached to an Event report
Select Reports > List Returns not attached to an Event ... .The List Returns with no Step for selected Event dialog opens.
Choose from the Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary sort sequences to select a range of returns to report on.
Choose the Event to report on by clicking the ellipsis and choosing from the list in the Select Event dialog.
The default layout for the report is Event not attached to Returns. Another layout can be chosen by clicking the ellipsis and choosing from the list in the Select Letter dialog.
Click OK to continue to the Print dialog.
From the Print dialog choose whether to Preview, Print, or send the report to Disk.
The Record Selection dialog allows for further selection criteria to be entered. Select a Sequence type from the options and then click Edit to define the parameters.
ATO Level: Return Code Partner: ATO Level: Return Code Manager: ATO Level: Return Code Employee: ATO Level: Return Code Agent: ATO Level: Return Code Partner: ATO Level: Return Code
Primary sort sequence
This is the standard sequence by a combination of: