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For Lodgment details for the practice click Utilities > Control Record > Lodgment tab.

This tab relates to standard Practice information concerned with the lodgment via PLS of income tax returns including the method for monitoring the lodgment of returns.

Agent nameThis is the default agent for the practice as entered on the Names tab. Where the practice has more than one agent, additional agents are added via Maintenance > Agents.
Contact nameThis is the default Contact for the practice name as entered on the Names tab. Where the practice has more than one Contact, additional Contacts are added via Maintenance > Contacts.
Agent reference numberThis is the Tax Agent Registration number provided by the ATO to the authorised Agent who is the default lodging agent for the practice. You must provide the PLS information for this agent by clicking Utilities > Lodgment Setup.
ATO officeThis is the ATO branch at which the Practice normally lodges its returns. Click F10 for the drop list of National ATO branches or type the valid three character abbreviation if known, for example, SYD for Sydney.
Prior year OfficeRefers to the ATO where the previous year's returns were lodged. Click F10 for the drop list of National ATO branches or type the valid three character abbreviation if known.
Monitor lodgment
  • (AE) This field establishes the method by which the practice tracks the progress of income tax return and PLS lodged schedules associated with them. 'S' indicates Simple Lodgment Control is in use, 'L' indicates that the practice uses status levels designed to meet their needs to track progress, and 'T' indicates the practice uses the Tax Tracking application to monitor lodgment.

    Simple Lodgment Control is used to monitor all forms other than income tax returns.

  • (AO/Series 6 & 8) S indicates Simple Lodgment Monitoring. This is an 8 step lodgment program which manages the status of a return from not started through to receiving the Notice of Assessment.
Status to set lodged forms toFor Accountants Enterprise practices using Status Levels to monitor the lodgment of returns the Status selected here is automatically applied at the completion of a lodgment session to all successfully lodged returns. The Status may be changed at the beginning of a lodgment session. The Status selected should have the appropriate state, that is ‘lodged’. For details on Status levels refer to Main Return Types.
Step to set lodged forms toFor Accountants Enterprise practices using Tax Tracking to monitor the lodgment of returns the Step selected here is automatically applied at the completion of a lodgment session to all successfully lodged returns. The Step may be changed at the beginning of a lodgment session. At all times the Step selected should have the appropriate state, that is ‘lodged’.
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