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Setting up your Control Record Properties

How to access the Control Record
  1. Click Utilities > Control Record.

  2. If used, the Enter Master Password screen will be displayed. Type in the master password and click Enter.

  3. The Control Record, General Details is displayed.

To manage certain processes and complete and validate income tax returns you must set up the Control Record correctly.

The Control Record contains important information common to all tax returns. This is where you set procedural defaults that apply to the whole practice.

You enter the information needed for the smooth running of your Practice in the screens under each Tab card. Without this information, tax returns will not be validated for electronic lodgment and other functions will not be able to be performed.

For each of the Control Record tabs click the links:

General - The main contact details for the practice are stored here. Some of these details default to tax returns and schedules lodged with the return and some are used in Reports and Letter writing.

Lodgment - The Lodgment Tab stores details of the Primary PLS lodging agent. This is the default Agent.

Your lodgment Communications set-up details are entered elsewhere. Click Utilities > Lodgment setup.

Defaults - These are the operating defaults. For some of these you'll be prompted to close and re-open Tax for the change to take effect.

Security - Security offers two functions:

  • Password: You use this feature to change or remove the Master Password. The Master Password prevents certain functions being accessed by all users below the rank of Administrator.
  • Return Security: When activated, you can nominate which users (employees) you've authorised to open a particular tax return.

Addresses - Practice addresses are stored in the Control Record. The Postal address is the address for service of notices. This is the address that defaults to the front cover Current postal address for all return types unless the return specifies an Agent in the Staff tab of the client's Return Properties. These addresses are used also in Letters and reports.

Names/Audit- Both the Agent and the Agent's contact names are stored in the Control Record.

The Agent's name is not lodged via PLS. It's printed in the Tax agent's declaration section of the form.

The Contact Name is the name the ATO rings in connection with any related query for the lodged return. It can be the same as the Agent's name. It should be the name of the person who can answer questions from ATO staff that relate to the taxpayer's tax affairs.

Banking - The Practice banking details, BSB, Account number and Account name are recorded here. If the Agent receives taxpayer's refunds into a Trust Account, stored bank details can be defaulted to the EFT fields of the return form where a refund is expected.

(AE) RapidTax - this is a basic shortcut menu to a specified return preparation workflow. Rapid tax is suitable for those users who've not been given security sufficient security clearance to access all functionality.

(AE) Practice Manager users do not have access to Rapidtax.

Correspondence Preference form CP 

The ATO has discontinued the Correspondence Preferences (CP) and it cam no longer be lodged. The Tab will be removed in an upcoming release.

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