This schedule is used to report details on voluntary agreements; labour, hire or other specified payments; amounts withheld where no ABN has been quoted; and attributed Personal Services Income. Only one schedule should be attached to a return form.
Non-individual PS schedules will only show details of amounts withheld where no ABN has been quoted for income of a business nature.
When completing the Payment summary schedule, all the details of the payment are required for lodging by the approved electronic channel ELS or PLS. For all income returns to which the Payment Summary Schedule applies (C, F, SMSF, P, and T), whole dollars only are required for Tax withheld due to:
No ABN quoted, and
Foreign resident withholding (excluding capital gains).
Integration to returns
The Payment Summary Schedule (ps) integrates to all main return types. At the labels listed here data cannot be entered into the return but you should press [Enter] to open and complete the schedule PS:
Form Type
Partnerships & Trusts
Item 5 (Business income and expenses)
Item 6 Income label A - Gross payment where ABN not quoted
Calculation Statement Label H3 - Credit for tax withheld where ABN not quoted
Item 10 Income Label H - Gross payment where ABN not quoted
Calculation Statement Label H3 - Credit for tax withheld - ABN/TFN not quoted (non-individual)
Item 11 Income Label H - Gross payment where ABN not quoted
Calculation Statement Label H3 - Credit for tax withheld - ABN/TFN not quoted (non-individual)
The Non-Individual Payment Summary is not deleted using Preparation > Delete schedules. To clear the payment Summary and values integrated to the return, open the schedule and delete the details from it. If you wish to retain the text, then delete the values from the $ amount fields only.
Completing the Payment Summary (ps)
The fields in the Payment Summary Schedule are defined below:
Payer Name
Enter the name of the entity or person (as stated on the Payment Summary) who withheld tax payments.
Enter the ABN or Withholding Payer Number of the payer.
Inc. Type
Indicate the income type by entering B for Business income or P for Personal services income to indicate the nature of the income earned by the taxpayer. There are three tests to determine whether the income is personal services income.
Tax Deducted
Enter the tax withheld during the year by the payer.
Gross Payment
Enter the payment amount in the correct column for the category of income, either:
Primary Production, or
Non-Primary Production
Payment Type
Press [F10] to indicate one of the following payment types:
A = Attributed personal services income
N = withholding where ABN not quoted
S = labour hire or other specified payments
V = voluntary agreement
Tax Prefill
This schedule can be pre-filled using the Pre-fill Manager. The Pre-fill Manager enables you to download pre-fill reports for clients using the Practitioner Lodgment Service (PLS). You can view these reports in PDF format, and populate the pre-fill information into the client's Tax return. For more information on pre-filling, see Pre-fill manager.
Tax Pre-fill is dependant on available ATO data. Validate the Tax return by pressing [F3] for a list of the imported values and any errors before lodgment.
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