In 2003 or later income years, to use Tax with an SQL database, you must copy your existing Cheetah File System (CFS) folder to a newly created SQL folder. If you are using Tax with SQL then Central Database must use SQL also.
IMPORTANT: It is not possible to change the Folder properties of an existing CFS folder to an SQL folder; the SQL folder must be setup from scratch and the data files copied through the system. Do NOT attempt to copy program and data files via Windows Explorer.
To copy CFS data into an SQL folder
Double-click on the CFS folder that contains your data for Tax or later from the Select Folder window.
Highlight your DATABASE ledger item you want to copy into the SQL folder.
Right click on the ledger to display menu options and select Copy. The Ledger copy wizard displays.
Click Next. The Select destination folder window opens.
From the Ledgers chosen section, select whether to copy the selected ledger, related ledgers or all ledgers in the folder.
Click Next. The Select destination folder window opens.
Choose the SQL folder by highlighting it in the list provided and click Next.
Click Finish to confirm the details and complete the process.
Repeat these steps for Tax Calculator (for example, Calc2008).
Repeat these steps for Tax Tracking (TaxTrack).
When copying your Tax Tracking ledger from the CFS folder to the SQL folder, a warning message displays “DS6TA410 already exists - do you want to replace the existing file?” Answer NO.
Repeat these steps for any years of Tax and Calculator subsequent to 2003.
You are now able to open your SQL folder and access the ledger for Tax for 2003 or later income years.
Once copied, it is imperative that the Refresh System links routine is run to ensure that the SQL version of CDS is used and not the CFS. For information on refreshing system links consult the Knowledge Base.
Lastly, the automatic updating of DS6CL010 is no longer required and it is recommended that the automatic update of the DS6CL010 be turned off. For information on how to turn off automatic updates to DS6CL010 consult the Knowledge Base.
For Tax to operate correctly, the DATABASE ledger is also required to be in the SQL folder. It is important to repeat steps 1 to 8 above for CDS, Tax Tracking and for all years of Tax and Calculator from 2003 onwards.
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