Distributions of income from other partnerships and trusts
Use the Distributions from partnerships worksheet (dip) and/or the Distributions received from trusts worksheet (dit) to enter all details for the share of income, credits and deductions distributed from another Partnership or another Trust.
The Distributions from trusts worksheet also provides for the entry of the share of Capital Gains and the share of Foreign income and foreign tax paid on distributions received from a Managed Investment Trust.
These worksheets roll over the details of the partnerships or trusts from which distributions were received in a previous year.
If you do not use the Tax worksheets, then values may be keyed directly at the labels in the return. If a distributing Partnership or Trust is contained in your ledger the receiving Partnership or Trust worksheets will be automatically created when you click the [F8] distribution function.
If the partnership statement of distribution or advice includes any of the following Do NOT include them at this item. Include them as indicated below:
- dividends or franking credits indirectly received that were attributable to distributions from a New Zealand franking company at this label. Show these amounts at item 23 Other assessable foreign source income
- payments and loans received from trustees or amounts that are debts forgiven by trustees that are treated as dividends under division 7A Part III of the ITA 1936. Show these amounts at label K Unfranked amounts at item 12 if they are unfranked. However, Division 7A Part III was amended to enable certain amounts treated as dividends to be franked. If the amounts are franked, include them at label L item 12.
- foreign income or a foreign capital gain. Show these types of income at Attributed foreign income at item 22 and Other assessable foreign source income at item 23
- Net capital gain (including foreign capital gains) at item 21. (Dividends received from listed investment companies are not distributions of net capital gains). Refer to the Capital gains tax home page on the ATO website.
A Quick access link to the Foreign income worksheet is provided where the Partnership distribution statement includes an amount of Foreign income and/or foreign tax paid.