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GST Calculation Worksheet (G1-G20)

What is the GST Calculation worksheet?

The GST Calculation worksheet is included at the end of the Business Activity Statement. Primarily it allows for businesses using the Calculation Sheet method, to record amounts for Labels G1–G20.

The GST Calculation worksheets need to be kept for five years for your own records but only some of the values on the worksheet are transmitted for ELS lodgment.

Labels G21–G24 are for those using the GST Instalment method and as such are excluded from the GST Calculation worksheet.

The GST Calculation worksheet comprises:

  • Labels G1–G9: Amounts you owe the ATO from sales and income.

Businesses using the Calculation Sheet method, may complete Labels G1–G9 for:
  • taxable sales or creditable purchases related to the current tax period, or

  • when an adjustment needs to be made for GST previously claimed or paid.

Labels G1, G2, G3, G4, G7 and G18 on the GST Calculation worksheet each have a worksheet attached. Values entered integrate to labels on the activity statement for GST Option 1.

If you have no taxable sales, GST-free sales, export sales, purchases to report, enter 0 at Label G1 and leave labels G2, G3, G10 and G11 blank.

  • Labels G10–14 Amounts the ATO owes you from purchases

Businesses using the Calculation Sheet, complete the labels G10 to G14 on the GST Calculation worksheet only if taxable sales or creditable purchases have been made in the current tax period.
  • Labels G15–20: Amounts the ATO owes you from purchases

How do I process the GST Calculation worksheet?

Enter the amounts G1 to G20 directly on the worksheet or use the supporting worksheets provided at for G1, G2, G3, G4, G7 and G18. At each field to access the relevant worksheet click [Alt+S].

If you have no taxable sales, GST-free sales, export sales or purchases to report, enter 0 at Label G1 and leave labels G2, G3, G10 and G11 blank.

To exit the worksheet, Tab to the end of the worksheet. At the field Skip to GST section press [Enter]. You will return to Label G1 in the GST section of the activity statement.

Alternatively, to exit the worksheet to another label in the activity statement, click [F2] and type the label required. That is, T1, W1, etc.

How do values integrate to the activity statement?

Depending on which GST Calculation option (1–3) is selected, Tax integrates the necessary values to the activity statement labels for lodgment via ELS.

Briefly the GST information labels transmitted from the activity statement include:

  • G1, G2, G3, G10, G11 and G12 relating to sales and purchases.

  • G9 GST on sales for the period.

Where amounts integrate from the GST Calculation worksheet to Labels 1A, 1B, 5A and 5B, the amounts on the activity statement can be edited to a value calculated by the Tax Agent.

Description of label G1-G20

Label G1: Total Sales (including any GST)

For businesses using the Calculation Sheet method, enter the actual amount for Label G1 on the GST Calculation Worksheetw or Label G1 may be calculated using the Total sales (including any GST) worksheet.

For businesses using the Accounts method, enter the actual amount for Label G1 directly onto the activity statement.

Label G2: Export Sales

For businesses using the Calculation Sheet method, enter the actual amount for Label G2 on the GST Calculation worksheet or it may be calculated using the Export sales worksheet.

For businesses using the Accounts method, enter Label G2 directly onto the activity statement.

Label G3: Other GST-free Sales

For businesses using the Calculation Sheet method, enter the actual amount for Label G3 on the GST Calculation worksheet or it may be calculated using GST-free sales worksheet.

For businesses using the Account method, enter the actual amount for Label G3 directly onto the activity statement.

Label G4: Input Taxed Sales
For businesses using the Calculation Sheet method, enter the actual amount for Label G4 on to the GST Calculation worksheet or you may use the Input taxed sales and income and other sales worksheet.
Label G5: (Add G2 + G3 + G4)

This field comprises the total GST-free and input taxed sales and is calculated as follows:



Export sales



Other GST-free sales



Input taxed sales


Label G6: Total Sales Subject to GST (G1 minus G5)

Label G6 Total Sales Subject to GST (G1 minus G5)

This field comprises the total taxable sales and is calculated as follows:



Total sales



Add G2 + G3 + G4

Label G7: Adjustments
For businesses using the Calculation Sheet method, enter the actual amount for Label G7 on the GST Calculation worksheet or Label G2 may be completed using the Adjustments worksheet.
Label G8: Total sales subject to GST after adjustments (Add G6 + G7)

This field comprises the total taxable sales after adjustments and is calculated as follows:



G1 minus G5





Label G9: GST on Sales

This is the result of dividing G8 by eleven.

Label G10: Capital Acquisitions

Complete this field only if the business made capital acquisitions and capital importations for use in its business.

Include the amounts paid in the current tax period, include amounts paid for capital assets such as plant and equipment, motor vehicles, land and buildings, and for other expenditure of a capital nature and are recorded as capital in your accounts.

If the business does not account on a cash basis, include the amount payable for purchases or any consideration paid or where the supplier has issued an invoice requesting payment.

Also include amounts for importations of capital items for amounts of more than $300. Capital purchases for amounts of $300 or less should be included at Label G11.

  • Purchases: Calculate the amount of purchases of capital items. Include the whole amount at Label G10 and part of the amount, if any, that relates to:

    • making input taxed sales at Label G13, or

    • planned private use at Label G15

  • Importations and intangibles from offshore: Calculate the amount of importations and intangibles from offshore which are of a capital nature. Include the whole amount at Label G10 and the part of the amount, if any, that relates to:

    • making input taxed sales at Label G13

    • planned private use at Label G15

  • Enter the total amount for purchases capital items.

Label G11: Non-capital Purchases (including any GST)

The amount you show at G1 is GST inclusive. Do not include salary, wages or other payments to employees.

Include in this field the amounts paid in the current tax period for all other purchases for use in the business, but do not include salaries and wages paid to employees.

If the business does not account for GST on a cash basis, include in the current tax period the total amount payable for purchases for which the business has paid any of the consideration or the supplier has issued an invoice requesting payment.

For most businesses, this will include most business expenses. Purchases that are not for use in the business should not be included. (Include amounts for purchases that are only partly for use in the business. Include the whole payment at Label G11 and the part of the payment that relates to the planned private use at Label G15.)

The amounts included may be payments (or the money equivalent of some other form of consideration) for goods, services or anything else for use in the business.

To calculate:

  1. Calculate the total amount paid for purchases for the business.

  2. Calculate the amount to include for importations.

  3. Enter this total amount for purchases at G11.

Special rules apply to labels G10 or G11 relating to:

  • Purchases of second-hand trading stock from unregistered persons

  • Refunds for returnable containers

  • Insurance premiums, and

  • Long-term accommodation in commercial residential premises.

Label G12: (Add G10 + G11)

This field is the total acquisitions and importations for the business, and is calculated as follows:



Capital acquisitions



Non-capital purchases (including any GST)


Label G13: Acquisitions for Making Input Taxed Sales and Income and Other Supplies

A business is not entitled to input tax credits for GST included in acquisitions and paid on importations related to making input taxed sales. However, if the business makes financial supplies, it could be entitled to a partial credit for certain acquisitions.

To calculate:

  1. Calculate the total amount of acquisitions and importations.

    If an amount has been included at Labels G10 or G11 and it relates in whole or in part to making any of the input taxed sales listed above, show at Label G13 the whole or part of the amount for the purchases relating to making those sales.

    However, if the annual turnover of financial supplies is less than $50,000, or 5% of the total annual turnover (including input taxed sales), you do not have to include any part of the amount related to making those financial sales at Label G13. This means that the business is entitled to the input tax credits for GST included in the purchases relating to those sales.

    There is a different way of calculating the amount to include at Label G13 for certain purchases related to making financial sales known as 'reduced credit purchases'. Contact the ATO on 13 24 78 for more information.

  2. Enter the total amount at Label G13.

Label G14: GST-free Purchases
To calculate:
  1. Calculate the total amount of purchases where no GST was included in the price as well as importations that were not taxable.

  2. Enter the total amount at Label G14.

    All amounts included at Label G14 should also have been included at Labels G10 or G11. Do not include amounts already shown at G13.

Label G15: Estimated Acquisitions for Private Use or not Income Tax Deductible

The amount shown at G15 is GST-inclusive.

 To calculate:

  1. Calculate the amount relating to the planned private or domestic use for each acquisition or importation. Do this by estimating the percentage planned private use and multiplying the total amount by this percentage. (The total amount will have been included at labels G10 or G11.)

  2. Calculate the amount relating to purchases that are not deductible for income tax purposes.

  3. Add the amounts from steps 1 and 2 and enter the total at Label G15.

If you have included an amount at G13 or G14, do not include it at G15.

Label G16: Add G13 + G14 + G15

This field is the total of non-creditable acquisitions and is calculated as follows:



Acquisitions for making input taxed sales



GST-free acquisitions



Estimated acquisitions for private use OR
not income tax deductible


Label G17: Total Purchases Subject to GST (G12 minus G16)

This field is the total of creditable acquisitions and is calculated as follows:



Add G10 + G11



Add G13 + G14 + G15


Label G18: Adjustments
When completing the GST Calculation worksheet label use the Adjustments worksheet provided at G18 to help you calculate this amount. To access the worksheet at this field click [Alt+S].
abel G19: Total Purchases Subject to GST after Adjustments (Add G17 + G18)

This field is the total of creditable acquisitions after adjustments and is calculated as follows:



G12 minus G16





Label G20: GST on Purchases
G20 is the result of dividing G19 by eleven and is transferred to Label 1B.
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