Interposed entity election/revocation schedule (Y)
For information on completing this item click this link to the FTE status and IEE status on the ATO website.
All the particulars required in Section A of the schedule must be provided in order for an interposed entity election specifying a day in the current income year to be duly made in accordance with section 272-85 Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 (ITAA 1936) and in order for an interposed entity election specifying a day in an income year prior to the current to meet the requirements of subitem 23(4) of Schedule 1 to Taxation Laws Amendment (Trust Loss and Other Deductions) Act 1998 (Trust Loss Act).
The interposed entity election, Schedule Y, is valid for the Company, Partnership, Fund and Trust forms. An interposed entity election schedule is irrevocable.
Entities may make more than one interposed entity election by attaching multiple schedules to a return. Only one election per schedule may be made.
The following points should be noted:
For Partnership and Trust returns the interposed entity election status fields are on the Front Cover of the return
For SMSF returns the interposed entity election status fields are contained in Section J: Other information
For Company returns the interposed entity election status fields are on the Front Cover of the return
Revoking an Interposed Entity Election
If you are revoking an Interposed Entity Election (IEE), enter R or select R from the drop-down-list at the relevant files in the return and complete and attach the Interposed Entity Election or Revocation schedule (Y).
If you are not revoking a previous IEE, leave the field blank.