All amounts shown at contribution labels A to M should only include gross contributions received by the trustee for the member in the year ended 30 June.
The gross contributions must not take into account:
amounts credited to accounts but not yet received
amounts deducted from the gross contributions after they were received such as allowances for tax, costs and fees.
amounts received after 30 June (these must be reported in the following year when the contribution is physically received).
A member benefit transferred to another fund during the terminal medical condition certification period is treated as a personal contribution rather than a rollover by the receiving fund for tax purposes. Refer to Access to super for members with a terminal medical condition (NAT 72437) on the ATO website.
If a member stops contributing and receives their benefits part way through an income year, you need to report the contributions received in the income year.
If the SMSF was wound up during 2017-18 and the member did not roll over all their entitlements to another fund, you must report any contributions received for them during 2017-18 before the date of winding up.
Accurately report gross contributions received for every member, ensuring you:
include contributions at labels A to N that were made to another super fund in 2017-18 but rolled into the SMSF before the end of 2017-18. The Rollover benefits statement (NAT 72437) that other funds give you with each rollover will help you do this. Only include amounts contributed during the income year and reported at item 15 of the Rollover benefits statement.
exclude contributions from labels A to N that you received in the 2017-18 but rolled over to another fund before the end of 2017-18. You report these to that other fund on a Rollover benefits statement at item 15 so that they can report them to the ATO instead.
If you received contributions for a member during 2017-18 and then rolled over any of their balance to another fund, you need to calculate the extent to which those particular contributions must be treated as included in the rollover.
Refer to How to report contributions that you roll over available on ATO website before completing this annual return if these circumstances apply.
The amount of gross contributions to be reported at A to M could be more than the rollover payment physically received from the other superannuation fund. For example, the super fund paying the rollover amount may have deducted allowances for tax and fees, before making the net payment. You nevertheless report the gross amount of contributions at A to M, as these are the contributions physically made for the member to that fund to the extent they are reflected in the amount rolled over. The information necessary for you to do this (details of the gross contributions) is at item 15 in the Rollover benefits statement that accompanied the payment.