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Sections F and G: Member and Supplementary Member Information

What is an SMSF member information statement?

It's a list of financial transactions on a member's account during the financial year.

How many members can an SMSF have?

From 2022, you can report up to 6 members in the Member information section (Section F) and in the supplementary member section (Section G). Previously you could report only up to 4 members in each section

All members must be trustees. There can be up to 6 current members (section F) and 4 supplementary members (section G).

Sections F and G members you need to report
Sections of the SMSF
You need to report
Section F members
  • Current members at 30 June
  • Former members who received a benefit during the income year (such as a lump sum or income stream, but not a rollover)
  • Members at 30 June who didn't pay any contributions

Section G supplementary members
  • Members who died during the year
  • Part-year members who weren't members at 30 June of the current financial year)
  • Former members who left and received a payout, or rolled out all their benefits
  • Additional current members you couldn't fit in section F due to lack of space.

An ATO example of when to fill in section G:

  1. There are 4 members on 1 July 2018
  2. One member leaves on 1 May 2019 and receives all entitlements as a lump sum benefit on that date
  3. You add a new member on 1 June 2019 and receive contributions for them in the fund in June 2019
  4. You must report all 5 members, so include the member who left at section G.
Completing the members details labels

See Member detail questions (name, TFN, date of birth) on the ATO website.

Fields—Sections F and G
Title, family, first and other given names

The ATO specifies the alpha text, numerics and symbols permitted for PLS lodgment.
F3 validation alerts you to any incorrect text.
Once you've entered the details, we'll roll them over from year to year.

Member's TFN

The member's tax file number (TFN) is mandatory.

Make sure you've entered the member's valid TFN and not the SMSF's TFN or the tax agent's number (TAN).
Date of birth

The date of birth is mandatory. You must enter a valid date of birth in the format ddmmyyyy.

F3 validation warns of member detail errors and inconsistencies.

Section G only

If deceased, date of death (supplementary member only)

If a fund member died during the current income year, enter the date of death.
We don't rollover deceased member details.

If you've entered a date of death outside the current year, we'll generate an F3 validation error advising you how to proceed.

Member contributions labels

See Contributions questions on the ATO website.

Many of the labels in the member statement are complex, and have exclusions and other special rules. For more complex items, we've provided links to the instructions on the ATO website.

The ATO uses the contributions information to:

  • determine and pay entitlements to super co-contributions for eligible members
  • make assessments of excess contributions tax when members exceed their contributions caps
  • check for superannuation guarantee compliance.

See Our use of information in section F and section G on the ATO website.

All amounts shown at contribution labels A to M:

  • must be gross amounts
  • must include only contributions received by the trustee for the member in the current year ended 30 June
  • have 2 decimal places and a maximum length of 13.

Completing the labels

Opening Account Balance

For existing members, enter the closing balance as at 30 June of the previous year 

For a new member, there's no opening balance in the first year.

See Opening account balance on the ATO website.

Label A - Employer Contributions

See contributions questions on the ATO website.

Employer contributions are pre-tax contributions. They're taxed in the fund. 

Only include at label A employer contributions made to an employee, including:

  • employee salary sacrifice super contributions
  • employer's obligations under the super guarantee, awards, agreements or other obligations
  • super guarantee charge shortfall amounts
  • employer contributions the ATO might transfer from its super special holding account (SHA).

Requirements for members with a defined benefit SMSF interest

For each member with a defined benefit interest in the SMSF, you must report their  notional taxed contribution at label A.

The notional taxed contributions for each member with a defined benefit interest in an SMSF is generally the amount of the assessable contributions which the trustee has allocated to the member’s defined benefit interest during the financial year. Refer to the Tax Assessment Regulations 292-170.03.

However, a transitional provision applies if your member held their defined benefit interest on 5 September 2006 and certain other conditions are satisfied. Under this transitional arrangement - if the member’s notional taxed contributions determined with advice from an actuary, exceed the concessional contributions cap for the income year, then you must report the amount of the member’s notional taxed contribution as being equal to the cap.

If the member also has an accumulation interest in the SMSF, the amount shown at A is:

  • the sum of the notional taxed contributions, and
  • any employer contributions made to their accumulation account.

Do not include at label A the following:

  • contributions made by the member and the member advised the SMSF that they will, or, have claimed a tax deduction.

  • (show them at B Personal contributions and in section B at R2 Assessable personal contributions)

  • superannuation contributions that the member asks an employer to deduct from the member’s after-tax income, these are personal contributions and are shown at label B Personal contributions

  • a directed termination payment that an employer pays to a superannuation provider on behalf of an employee, these are reported at label H Directed termination (taxable component) payments

  • employer contributions to the extent they have been rolled out to another fund. These are the amounts you calculated and showed at item 15(a) on the Rollover benefits statement that you gave to the other fund with the rollover.

See label B—Personal contributions for any contributions the employee makes to the fund.

Personal contributions do not change character to become employer contributions if a member gives you a Notice of intent to claim or vary a deduction for personal super contributions (NAT 71121).
All personal contributions, including those assessable to the SMSF, must be shown at B Personal contributions. 
Label A1 - ABN of principal employer

If a member has more than one employer, you must enter the ABN of the employer who contributed the largest amount.

The ABN must be valid and the 11 digits entered in the format 99999999999. We'll format it to display the correct spacing: 99 999 999 999.
Label B - Personal contributions

See contributions questions on the ATO website.

A personal contribution is an after-tax contribution made by:

  • an individual for their own benefit or
  • an employer on behalf of the employee, for example, by payroll deduction.


Show at label B all personal contributions, even if they are deductible to the member or the member has advised the SMSF that they will claim, or have claimed, a tax deduction for the contribution.

The following are contributions that should be shown at label B:

  • contributions made by an employer on behalf of the member from the member's after tax pay

  • contributions made by the member themselves, whether or not they have been claimed, or can be claimed, as a tax deduction

  • amounts reported at item 15(b) on a Rollover benefits statement which the SMSF received from another superannuation provider, and

  • personal contributions funded by:

  • personal injury payments that are not shown at label E Personal injury election, and

  • the proceeds of the sale of assets, except to the extent they are shown at label C: CGT Small business retirement exemption and label D: CGT Small business 15 year exemption amount.

If a member elected to exclude more than $500,000 under the 'CGT small business retirement exemption amount', show only $500,000 at label C: CGT small business retirement exemption and the excess at label B.

Do NOT include at B:

Amounts excluded from the member's non-concessional contributions and which you've included at:

  • Label C: CGT small business retirement exemption
  • Label D: CGT small business 15-year exemption amount
  • Label E: Personal injury election
  • Label H: Proceeds from primary residence disposal
  • amounts contributed from a First Home Savers Account (FHSA) holder account to a member’s account by an FHSA provider. These are reported at label M Any other contributions (including Super Co-contributions

  • amounts contributed from an FHSA provider to the spouse or former spouse of an FHSA holder. These are reported at label F Spouse and child contributions

  • Government FHSA contributions paid by the ATO, show these at label M

  • amounts contributed for the member under salary sacrifice arrangements they have entered into (these are employer contributions and must be reported at label A)

  • the taxable component of a directed termination payment (show this at label H)

  • a rollover super benefit reported at item 13 on a Rollover benefits statement which the SMSF received from another superannuation provider (show this at label P or label M),

  • superannuation lump sum from a foreign superannuation fund or scheme, (show this at label I or J or M)

  • contributions made by the member's spouse or other third party contributions (show these at labels F or G)

  • capital amounts that are excluded from the contributions caps under the CGT small business retirement exemption (show these at label C)

  • capital amounts that are excluded from the contributions caps by the Small business 15-year exemption (show these at label D),

  • amounts paid in respect of personal injury that are excluded from the contributions caps because the member provided an election to the SMSF on or before the date of the contribution (show these at label E)

  • personal contributions to the extent they have been rolled out to another fund (these will be the amounts you calculated and showed at item 15(b) on the Rollover benefits statement that you gave to the other fund with the rollover).

Label C - CGT Small Business Retirement Exemption

It's important to read CGT Small Business Retirement Exemption on the ATO website..

To show an amount at label C  the SMSF must have received a completed Capital gains tax cap election  (NAT 71161) from the member. This must have been received at, or before, the time the member made the contribution. If the member makes the election after the contribution has been made, the exclusion will not apply and the amount contributed must be reported at label B Personal contributions.

Show at label C  the amount of personal contributions the member has made that they have elected to exclude from the contributions caps because they are entitled to the CGT small business retirement exemption.

If the fund received a CGT cap election from the member, enter the amount of small business retirement exemption that applies to capital gains.

The largest amount allowed for exclusion from the caps is $500,000.

If the amount is more than $500,000, enter the excess at Personal Contributions—label B

Do not include at label C the small business retirement exemption amount to the extent that the contribution the member's election applied to was rolled-out to another fund. This is the amount you calculated and showed at item 15(c) on the Rollover benefits statement that you gave to the other fund with the rollover.

Label D - CGT Small Business 15-Year Exemption amount

See CGT Small Business 15 Year Exemption Amount on the ATO website.

To include an amount at label D, the SMSF must have received a valid Capital gains tax cap election (NAT 71161) from the member.

The amount you include at label D may be limited by the CGT cap. This cap limits the amount of exemptions that a member can claim through a CGT cap election during their lifetime. This must have been received at or before the time the member made the contribution. If the member makes the election after the contribution has been made, the exclusion will not apply and the amount contributed must be reported at label B Personal contributions.

The amounts at label C: CGT small business retirement exemption and D: CGT small business 15-year exemption both count towards the CGT cap.

The CGT cap is indexed annually. For the current year the lifetime limit for the CGT cap is $2,100,000.

Show at label D the amount of personal contributions the member has made that they have elected to exclude from the contributions caps because the amounts contributed:

  • qualify for the small business 15-year exemption, or

  • would qualify for the small business 15-year exemption, except:

  • they were pre-CGT assets

  • there was no capital gain, or

  • the 15 year holding period was not met because of the permanent incapacity of the person (or a controlling individual of a company or trust).

Also show at D the small business 15-year exemption amount shown at 15(c) on a Rollover benefits statement which the SMSF received from another superannuation provider.

Label E - Personal Injury Election
See Personal Injury Election on the ATO website.
You can only include an amount at this label if the fund received a valid Contributions for Personal Injury Election form (NAT71162), either from the:
  • member, or
  • member's legal personal representative

To show an amount at label E the SMSF must have received the completed NAT 71162 from the member before or when the member made the contribution. If the member makes the election after the contribution has been made, the exclusion will not apply and the amount contributed must be reported at label B Personal contributions.

The amounts you include at label E must arise from one of the following:

  • a structured settlement payment

  • an order for a personal injury payment, or

  • a lump sum workers compensation payment

and only applies to that part of these amounts that is compensation or damages for personal injury.

The member must have made the contribution within 90 days of the later of the following dates:

  • the date the member received the personal injury payment, or

  • the date the member entered into an agreement for settlement of a personal injury, or

  • the date on which an order for a personal injury payment was made.

The exclusion only applies to that part of the payment that is compensation or damages for personal injury.

Show at label B Personal contributions personal injury amounts which the member did NOT elect to exclude from the non-concessional contributions cap.

Do not include at label E the 'personal injury election amount' to the extent that the contribution to which the member's election was applied to was rolled out to another fund. This is the amount you calculated and showed at item 15(d) on the Rollover benefits statement you gave to the other fund with the rollover.

Label F - Spouse and Child contributions

See Spouse and child contributions on the ATO website.

Include at label F the total value of the following contributions made for the member in the current year:

  • contributions made by the member’s spouse
    (not your former spouse and not your current spouse if you and your spouse are separated)
  • contributions made by parents, relatives or others on behalf of a member who is under 18 years old
    (exclude those made by the member's employer or on the employer's behalf).
  • all contributions made by an FHSA provider when the payment is made because of a family law obligation.
    (these are paid to the SMSF with NAT 2629 Super contributions from a first home save account under a family law obligation.)  
  • amounts shown at label 15(e)  on a Rollover benefits statement  which the SMSF received from a another superannuation provider

Do not include at label F contributions made:

  • by a parent for a child who is over 18 years of age - show these at G Other third party contributions

  • by a former spouse when the couple have separated and are now living apart on a permanent basis (other than FHSA contributions from a former spouse) - show these at G Other family and friend contributions

  • personally by a member who is under 18 years of age - show these at B Personal contributions.

  • by, or on behalf of, the members’ employer, show these at label A Employer contributions.

Do not include at label F 'spouse and child contributions' to the extent that they were rolled out to another fund. This is the amount you calculated and showed at item 15(e) on the Rollover benefits statement you gave to the other fund with the rollover.

Label G - Other third party contributions

See Other Third Party Contributions on the ATO website.

Include at label G any other third-party contributions received for the member that:

  • are in the current year, and
  • are not already included at other labels
Superannuation contributions can be made by anyone on behalf of a member.

Show at label G:

  • contributions made for by the member's former spouse including a person to whom the member is married but is now living separately and apart from on a permanent basis, by any of the following:

  • contributions made by a relative or friend of the member or other person seeking to benefit the member by making super contributions (where the member is over 18 years old),

  • contributions made by other third party contributors acting under an obligation to contribute, for example:

  • an insurance company where the member's policy provides for payment of superannuation contributions in the event of sickness or incapacity;

  • a government agency making a contribution under a scheme to compensate injured or incapacitated workers (such a WorkCover Victoria);

  • the ATO or other government agencies required to compensate the member in the form of superannuation contributions for errors in their administration of the law;

  • deceased estate where the entitlement is only to a superannuation contribution (the member cannot direct that their share in the estate be paid to them personally).

  • amounts reported at label 15(f) on a Rollover benefits statement (NAT 70944) received from a transferor provider.

Do not include at label G:

  • Contributions that have been included elsewhere (other than in the total at label N Total contributions).

  • Contributions made under a family law obligation by an FHSA provider from the FHSA of the spouse or former spouse of the member.

  • Contributions made for a member under 18 years of age must be reported at label F Spouse and child contributions.

‘Other third party contributions’ to the extent they have been rolled out to another fund. This is the amount you calculated and showed at 15(f) on a Rollover benefits statement you gave to the other fund with the rollover.

Label H - Proceeds from primary residence disposal

See Proceeds from primary residence disposal on the ATO website.

From 1 July 2018, SMSF members who:

  • are aged 65 years old or older, and
  • pass the work test
  • entered into the contract of sale on or after 1 July 2018

can choose to contribute up to $300,000 into super from the sale of their home (principal residence.)

Downsizer contributions is a new contribution type.
You can make it regardless of the contribution caps that apply to voluntary contributions.
Label - H1 - Receipt date

Enter at label H1 the date the downsizer contribution was received by the fund.

The date must be in the format ddmmyyyy and cannot be earlier than 1 July 2018.

Downsizer contributions must be made within 90 days of the change in ownership of the dwelling (usually the date of settlement).

If multiple downsizer contributions were made by the member, use the date the last contribution was received by the fund.

Label I - Assessable Foreign Superannuation Fund Amount

See Assessable and non-assessable foreign super fund amounts on the ATO website.

This is the amount transferred from a foreign superannuation fund or scheme that's assessable income, and:

  • is greater than the amount vested in the member at the time of transfer, and
  • what's included in the assessable income of the fund

Additionally, include at label I amounts reported at label 15(h) on a Rollover benefits statement (NAT 70944) received from another superannuation provider. 

Do not include at label I:

  • that part of the amount transferred form a foreign superannuation fund or scheme that does not exceed the amount that was vested in the member at the time of transfer. That amount should be included at label J Non-assessable foreign superannuation fund amount.

  • an 'assessable foreign superannuation fund amount' to the extent it was then rolled out to another fund. This is the amount you calculated and showed at item 15(h) on the Rollover benefits statement you gave to the other fund with the rollover.

Label J - Non-assessable Foreign Superannuation fund amount

See Assessable and non-assessable foreign super fund amounts on the ATO website.

This is the amount transferred from a foreign superannuation fund or scheme that's not assessable, and:

  • is greater than the amount given to the member at the time of transfer, and
  • except for any amount that's included in the assessable income of the fund.

Also include at label J amounts reported at label 15(g) on a Rollover benefits statement (NAT 70944) received from another superannuation provider.

Do not include at label J:
  • that part of the amount transferred form a foreign superannuation fund or scheme that is included in the assessable income of the superannuation fund if the amount transferred to the SMSF exceeds the amount that was vested in the member in the foreign superannuation fund or scheme at the time of transfer. That amount should be included at label I Assessable foreign superannuation fund amount.

  • a 'non-assessable foreign superannuation fund amount' to the extent it was then rolled out to another fund. This is the amount you calculated and showed at item 15(i) on the Rollover benefits statement you gave to the other fund with the rollover. 

A member may choose to have an amount included in the SMSF's assessable income. In general terms, this amount reflects the investment earnings of the foreign fund or scheme that accrued while the member was an Australian resident. This amount is only reported at label M Any other contributions (including Super Co-contributions).

Label K - Transfer from Reserve - Assessable amount

See Assessable and Non-assessable Transfers From Reserves on the ATO website.

Include at label K any amount transferred from the fund's reserves to the member during the year.

Also include any assessable amounts reported at label 15(j) on a Rollover benefits statement (NAT 70944) received from another superannuation provider.

The assessable amount is the amount that is taken to be a concessional contribution because you allocated an amount to the member's account from a reserve. The amount taken to be a concessional contribution may be greater than the amount actually allocated to the member's account.

Where the amount was allocated to the member's account from a reserve instead of an employer making an equivalent contribution to the fund, multiply the amount that was allocated by 1.176 to take into account the 15% tax that would have been payable on the employer's contribution.

The amount at label K should be the grossed-up amount rather than the actual amount that was allocated from reserve.

The amount at label K is included in the member's concessional contributions

Example: Transfer from reserve: assessable amount

An employer has an obligation to make a $1,000 contribution. Instead of the employer making the contribution to the fund, the trustee allocates $850 to the member's account (taking into account the allowance for tax that would otherwise have been payable on the $1,000 employer contribution). The trustee must show at K $999.60 (that is $850 x 1.176).

Do not include at label K a 'transfer from reserve: assessable amount' to the extent it was rolled out to another fund. This is the amount you calculated and showed at item 15(j) on the Rollover benefits statement you gave to the other fund with the rollover.

For more information on the assessable amount, refer to regulation 292-25.01 of the ITAA 1997.

Label L - Transfer from Reserve - Non-assessable amount

See Assessable and Non-assessable Transfers From Reserves on the ATO website.

Include at label L any amount the fund allocated to the member that is:

  • not assessable contributions of the fund and not included at another label, and
  • not an amount that you should be including at label OAllocated earnings or losses.

Also include the non-assessable amounts transferred from reserves, and non-assessable amounts reported at label 15(j) on a Rollover benefits statement (NAT 70944) received from another superannuation provider.

The non-assessable amount is the amount that is taken to be a non-concessional contribution because you allocated an amount to the member's account from a reserve and not included it as assessable income.

Do not include at label L a 'transfer from reserve: non-assessable amount' to the extent it was rolled out to another fund. This is the amount you calculated and showed at item 15(j) on the Rollover benefits statement you gave to the other fund with the rollover.

For more information on the assessable amount, refer to regulation 292-90.01 of the ITAA 1997.

Label T - Contributions from non-complying funds or previously non-complying funds

See Contributions From Non-complying and Previously Non-complying Funds on the ATO website.

Special conditions apply to the fund if:

  • it was a non-complying fund in 2017–18 and
  • its status changed to complying at the beginning of 2018–19.
Do not include:
  • in the member’s ‘Opening account balance’
  • contributions made in 2018–19 when the SMSF was complying. Include those amounts at labels A to M.

the contributions you've included at label T.

Label M - Any other contributions (including Super Co-contributions)

See Any Other Contributions on the ATO website for a list of inclusions and exclusions.

Include at label M any other contributions received for the member in the current year that you've not included at labels   A   to   T.

These could include contributions such as:

  • amounts contributed directly from an FHSA when the holder of the FHSA is the member of the SMSF for whom the contribution is being made. These are paid to the SMSF with the form Super contributions from a first home saver account (NAT 72537)

  • Government FHSA contributions paid by the ATO

  • Super Co-contributions paid for the benefit of the member by the ATO (including co-contributions transferred by the ATO to the SMSF from the SHA special account.

  • the tax-free component of a directed termination payment

  • so much of the amount transferred from a foreign superannuation fund or scheme that the member chose to have included in the SMSFs assessable income, and

  • any other contributions reported by you on a Rollover benefits statement (NAT 70944) which the SMSF received from another superannuation provider. You will need to deduct the sum of 15(a) to 15(j) on the Rollover benefits statement from 15(k) on the statement to calculate the amount of ‘other contributions reported to the SMSF.

Do not include at label M:

  • an amount credited to the member's account from a contributions split for a spouse. For the Publication Contributions Splitting -how to complete your Superannuation contributions splitting application (NAT 15237) refer to ATO website.

  • Amounts contributed directly from an FHSA because of a family law obligation (as reported by the FHSA provider). As the holder of the FHSA is the spouse or former spouse of the member of the SMSF for whom the contribution is being made - these are reported at label F Spouse and child contributions.

  • 'other contributions' to the extent they were rolled out to another fund. These will be the amounts you calculated and showed at item 15(k) on the Rollover benefits statement you gave to the other fund with the rollover.

Other Transactions labels

Label O - Allocated Earnings or Losses

See Allocated earnings or losses on the ATO website.

If you couldn't include an amount at labels A to M, and you can't include it at labels P, Q, R1 or R2, then include it here at label O.

The amount at label O affects the member's closing balance and should be calculated as:

All earnings allocated to this member


Expenses (including taxes) and losses allocated to this member.

If the amount is a loss, then precede it with a hyphen. We print a slash and not a negative sign.

In some circumstances, you will be directed by the instructions at label Q to include other amounts here at label O.

Label P - Inward amounts less any rolled in contributions reported at A-M

See Inward Rollovers and Transfers on the ATO website. 

Show at label P the total amount of rollovers and transfers received for the member in the current income year from within the Australian superannuation system.

These include amounts shown on:

  • Rollover benefits statements or Death benefits rollover statements received for the member, or
  • Less any rolled in contributions made for the member in the same income year.

You should receive any Rollover benefits statement within seven days of the member's previous fund (or funds) making a rollover payment.

Do not include transfers from foreign super funds at label P. Show these at

I—Assessable foreign superannuation fund amount
J—Non-assessable foreign superannuation fund amount, or
M—Any other contributions.

Label Q - Outward amounts less any rolled out contributions at item 15K on RBS

See Outward rollovers and transfers on the ATO website.

If the fund paid out from the member's account:

  • a rollover, or
  • transfer (other than to a foreign recipient)

Enter the total amount paid out for that member in the current year. 

Labels R1 and R2 - Lump sum and Income Stream Payments and codes

See Lump sum payment on the ATO website.

Show at label R1:  the benefit payments made during the year to the member along with the code describing the payment.

If the fund paid any super lump sums for the member:

  • include the total at this label, and
  • select a code at the code box–F10, to identify the type of payment.

See Income stream payment on the ATO website.

Show at label R2:  the benefit payments made during the year to the member along with the code describing the payment.

If the fund paid an income stream benefit for the member:

  • include the total at this label, and
  • select a code at the code box–F10 to identify the type of payment.
TRIS - Transition to retirement income streams

It's important to read Transition to Retirement Income Stream (TRIS) count on the ATO website.

A TRIS is a superannuation income stream. It's paid to a member who's:

  • still working but has reached their preservation* age and
  • has converted some or all their accumulated benefits to an income stream. 
*Preservation age is the age at which you can draw down on your super:
  • If you were born before 1 July 1960, your preservation age is 55
  • For each year after 1960, add another year to 55
  • From 1 July 1964, your preservation age is 60.
Labels S1 to S3
S1Accumulation phase account balance

See Accumulation phase account balance on the ATO Website. 

Add up the closing account balances of all accounts in the accumulation phase and enter that figure here.

The TRIS is in accumulation phase unless you have reached age 65 or have met another nil cashing restriction condition of release (retirement, permanent incapacity, or terminal medical condition) and notified your SMSF.

To have a valid return for PLS lodgment, you must complete this label.


Retirement phase account balance Non-CDBIS

(Non-capped defined benefit income stream)  

See Retirement phase account balance Non-CDBIS on the ATO Website. 

Add up the closing account balances of all accounts in the accumulation phase that are:

  • Market-linked CDBIS or
  • Other retirement income streams that are not CDBIS.

Enter that figure here.


Retirement phase account balance CDBIS

(Capped defined benefit income stream)  

See Retirement phase account balance CDBIS on the ATO Website.

Add up the closing account balances of all accounts in the retirement phase that are CDBIS, other than market linked pensions and annuities

Enter that figure here.

TRIS Count

See TRIS count on the ATO website...

This is the member's TRIS count as at the reporting date. We've calculated it for you as the sum of labels:

  • S1: Accumulation phase account balance,
  • S2: Retirement phase account balance - Non-CDBIS, and
  • S3: Retirement phase account balance - CDBIS.
Label S - Closing Balance Account

See Member's closing account balance on the ATO website.

This is the member's account balance as at the reporting date. We've calculated that figure for you. It is the sum of:

Opening account balance at 1 July of the current year:


  • label N: Total contributions
  • label O: Allocated earnings and losses (if the amount is positive)
  • label P: Inward rollovers and transfers


  • label O: Allocated earnings and losses (if the amount is a loss)
  • label Q: Outward rollovers and transfers
  • label R1: Lump sum payment
  • label R2: Income stream payment.

The closing balance should reflect each member's actual interest in the SMSF (the fund) and must agree with Section H Assets and Liabilities.

Labels X1 and X2
X1Accumulation phase value

See Accumulation phase value on the ATO website.

This item is optional.

Complete it when the difference between label X1: Accumulation phase value and S1: Accumulation phase account values isn't explained by the reduction in exit fees and realisation costs.

This happens when a member voluntarily ceases their interest in the fund.

It is now conditional as to whether you provide for each member their 30 June accumulation phase value.

  • The accumulation phase value is the total amount of the superannuation benefits that would become payable if the member voluntarily caused the interest to cease.
  • The accumulation phase value is often less than the value at S1 Accumulation phase account balance as the costs to cease the interest are subtracted from the account balance.
  • You may provide an accumulation phase value if your accumulation phase account balance does not equal your accumulation phase value.
  • You must provide an accumulation phase value where the difference between the accumulation phase value and the accumulation phase account balance is not limited to the value of the administration and exit fees and realisation costs if the member was to voluntarily cease the interest.
X2Retirement phase value

See Retirement phase value on the ATO website.

This item is optional.

Complete it when the difference between label X2: Retirement phase value and S2: Retirement phase account balance non-CDBIS isn't explained by the reduction in exit fees and realisation costs.

This happens when a member voluntarily ceases their interest in the fund.

It is now conditional as to whether you provide for each member their 30 June retirement phase value.

  • The retirement phase value is the total amount of the superannuation benefits that would become payable from retirement phase accounts (non-CDBIS only) if the member voluntarily caused the interest to cease.
  • The retirement phase value is often less than the value at S2 Retirement phase account balance – non CDBIS as the costs to cease the interest are subtracted from the account balance.
  • You may provide a retirement phase value if your retirement phase account balance does not equal your retirement phase value.
  • You must provide a retirement phase value where the difference between the retirement phase value and the value at S2 Retirement phase account balance – non CDBIS is not limited to the value of the administration and exit fees and realisation costs if the member was to voluntarily cease the interest.

Label Y - Outstanding limited recourse borrowing arrangement amount (LBRA)

See Outstanding limited recourse borrowing arrangement amount on the ATO website.

Enter the value of the outstanding borrowings under all relevant LBRAs for each applicable member at 30 June of the current year.

Do not include the value of the assets held under the LRBA here. Include it at Section H: Assets and liabilities

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