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Names in the Address Book

Accountants Enterprise only

You can add names to a contact using the Contact Properties for Contact window.

A name can be an employee of the practice or a contact as follows:










Both Creditor & Client





Code: Each name must be given a code established in a manner that allows the name to be easily accessed. Codes are case sensitive.

Type: This identifies the Name Table Entries selected for the type of name. Press [F10] to display a pick-list of options, such as contact name, alternate name etc.

The pick-list that displays at the Type field is the same list of table entries found in the Name Table option in the Maintenance menu. You may add, edit or delete entries from this list.

Details: There are four lines of up to sixty alphanumeric characters each in this field. Enter the relevant name in the address book for the contact on which you are working. You may bypass any of the lines by pressing [Enter].

Copy and Share: These functions provide access to the Address book Browser for you to select information already in the database.  The Properties button is active so that you are able to amend the information you about to copy or share.


The copy function enables you to copy a name to the contact on which you are working from another contact. The result is two copies of the information

For example, if two contacts have the same business name, that business name may be copied to the contact currently selected, instead of entering the business name twice.

Copy can also be used to 'unshare' names in your database. By selecting to copy a name that is already shared you are breaking the 'share' link.

To copy a name in your database:

    1. Select the Copy from button.

        TheSelect name to copy from
             window opens.
            • Highlight the item to be copied.

            • Press [Enter] or press the Select button.

              The address book is updated with the details from the copied name.
              • Select OK to return to the Address Book.


              The share function enables you to share a name between the contact you are working on and another contact in your database. Select Share From if you wish to link the name that you are adding to your database to another contact.

              All data that is shared displays the two heads icon to indicate it is relevant to more than one contact in your database.

              To share a name in your database:

                1. Select the Share from button.

                    TheSelect name to share from
                         window opens.
                        • Highlight the name to be shared.

                        • Press [Enter] or press the Select button.

                            The address book is updated with the details from the shared name and the two heads icon together with the wordshared
                               displays next to the address information.
                              • Select OK to return to the Address Book.

                              Back to Address Select Client Details

                              Numbers in the Address Book

                              Accountants Enterprise only

                              Type: This refers to the type of number that you will enter. Press [F10] to open a pick-list of options, such as home telephone, business telephone etc. You can also nominate to enter a facsimile number. You then enter the relevant number in the Details field.

                              Copy and Share: These functions provide access to the Address book Browser for you to select information already in the database. The Properties button is active so that you are able to amend the information you about to copy or share.


                              The copy function enables you to copy a number to the contact on which you are working from another contact. The result is two copies of the information

                              For example, if two contacts have the same Australian Business Number, that number may be copied to the contact currently selected, instead of entering the details twice.

                              Copy can also be used to 'unshare' names in your database. By selecting to copy a number that is already shared you are breaking the 'share' link.

                              To copy a number in your database:

                                1. Select the Copy from button.

                                    TheSelect number to copy from
                                         window opens.
                                        • Highlight the item to be copied.

                                        • Press [Enter] or press the Select button.

                                          The address book is updated with the details from the copied number.
                                          • Select OK to return to the Address Book.

                                          • Select OK to return to the Address Book.


                                          The share function enables you to share a number between the contact you are working on and another contact in your database. Select Share From if you wish to link the number you are adding to your database to another contact.

                                          All data that is shared displays the two heads icon to indicate it is relevant to more than one contact in your database.

                                          To share a number in your database:

                                            1. Select the Share from button.

                                                TheSelect number to share from
                                                     window opens.
                                                    • Highlight the number to be shared.

                                                    • Press [Enter] or press the Select button.

                                                        The address book is updated with the details from the shared number and the two heads icon together with the wordshared
                                                           displays next to the address information.
                                                          • Select OK to return to the Address Book.

                                                          Back to Address Select Client Details

                                                          Relations Index

                                                          Accountants Enterprise only

                                                          This lists the relations that are relevant to this individual or entity, that is, contacts important to the currently selected contact. For example, a contact may be the son of another contact. In this way, you can establish multi-tiered relations between contacts on your database. Press [Ctrl+Insert] or [Alt+N] to display the Add/Edit Relations.

                                                          The column widths may be altered by dragging the column to the required width.

                                                          Buttons on the window are:

                                                          New: Allows you to add a new relation to your contact.

                                                          Properties: Provides detail on the relation. Refer to Relations.

                                                          Delete: Removes a relation from a contact.

                                                          Back to The Contacts Browser


                                                          Accountants Enterprise only

                                                          Relation: This refers to the type of relation that you intend to establish for the currently selected contact. Press [F10] to open a pick-list of the following options; Director, Owner, Subsidiary, Father and Son.

                                                          Of: This field requires you to enter the code of the contact on your database that is related to the contact on which you are working.

                                                          For example, if you nominated Father in the previous field, enter the code of the contact that is the son of the contact on which you are working. In this field, you may press [F10] to display the Select from Contacts window, a pick-list of contacts.

                                                          Back to Relations Index

                                                          Sort View Index for Client or Contact

                                                          Accountants Enterprise only

                                                          In Central Database, you can nominate to sort contacts in a particular order by attaching sort views to the contacts. Sort views serve to sequence contacts for reporting purposes, refer to Sort Views attached to a range of contacts report.

                                                          This window is an index of all the sort view options for the currently selected contact. From this point, you can add sort view options and edit existing ones. These sort view options define the way in which specific information about a contact can be retrieved and viewed. For example, you can nominate to view information on contacts that have the same postal code. Refer to Sort Views.

                                                          Buttons on the window are:

                                                          New: This button allows you to add a new sort view.

                                                          Properties: This button provides detail on the sort view. Highlight the sort view and click Properties.

                                                          Delete: This button allows you to remove a sort view from your contact. Highlight the sort view to be removed, and click Delete.

                                                          Back to The Contacts Browser

                                                          Index of Notes for Contacts

                                                          Accountants Enterprise only

                                                          This window is an index of all the notes that you have attached to the currently selected contact. From this point you can add notes designed to meet the specific requirements of this contact. This window informs you of who added which notes and on what date, as well as the time, person and date they were last updated.

                                                          To add a note, click [Alt+N] or [Ctrl+Insert] and the Note Code window displays. Nominate a code by which the note will be indexed, click OK to open the Add/Edit Note window and begin typing the text of the note.

                                                          The column widths may be altered by dragging the column to the required width. Notes may be sorted in either ascending or descending order. Click the arrow to change the sorting direction.

                                                          Also refer to Batch Add Notes and Range Add Notes.

                                                          Buttons on the window are:

                                                          New: This button allows you to add a new note. Click New and the Note Code window displays. Enter the name of the note and click OK. The Add/Edit Note window displays. Here you are able to enter a note. Notes can be used to hold any type of information from details of a telephone conversation, to details of the contacts business information. Click OK to save the contents of your note.

                                                          Properties: This button provides the content of the note. Highlight the note and click Properties. You are able to view the content or edit the content and save the note by clicking OK. Refer to Note Code window.

                                                          Delete: This button allows you to remove a note from your contact. Highlight the note to be removed, and click [Delete]. The system requests that you confirm the deletion. Click [Yes] to confirm deletion.

                                                          Back to The Contacts Browser

                                                          Note Code window

                                                          Accountants Enterprise only

                                                          This window prompts you to enter an alphanumeric code for the note you are adding.

                                                          Up to twenty numeric characters are available in this field. For convenience, note codes should be kept consistent to ease searching, and each note code must be unique.

                                                          Back to Index of Notes for Contacts

                                                          Add/Edit Note window

                                                          Accountants Enterprise only

                                                          In this window, type in the actual note you wish to attach to this contact. Notes may be used to record absolutely any information relevant to a contact.

                                                          Use word processing functions to edit and save the details of the note.

                                                          Back to Index of Notes for Contacts

                                                          Security Access window

                                                          Accountants Enterprise only

                                                          Within Central Database, click [Security] to allocate read/write security to various contacts on your system. When you assign a security level to a contact, for example, 6*, any users with a lower security level than 6* will not be able to access that contact.

                                                          Click Security to open the Security Access window. Click Edit to begin data entry. There are two parts to this window; Read Access and Write Access. Nominate which users can READ only and which users can WRITE (or edit) contacts in your database. Those users with security levels LOWER than the ones you allocate in this window will be unable to read/write the details of the contact you are working on.

                                                          Leaving these fields blank means users of any security level will be able to read and edit the details of the contact on which you are working.

                                                          Back to The Contacts Browser

                                                          Credit Details for Clients

                                                          Accountants Enterprise only

                                                          This window allows you to set credit limits for contacts in your database.


                                                          Answer either [Y] or [N] at this field. If [Y] is entered at this field, when entering time sheets for this name in PMA and Practice Time Sheets (BTS), you will be notified that the contact is on credit hold.

                                                          Limit Amount

                                                          A twelve character numeric field; enter the amount of the credit limit applicable to the contact on which you are currently working.

                                                          Limit Days

                                                          Enter the number of days credit required for the contact on which you are working.

                                                          Back to The Contacts Browser

                                                          Batch Add Notes

                                                          Accountants Enterprise only

                                                          This option allows you to add a new note that you specify, to a batch of contacts on your database. Click Utilities > Notes > Batch add Notes. The Batch Add Notes index displays. This is a list of all the contacts in your database.

                                                          Toggle the contacts you wish to add the note to by clicking Toggle (press [Alt+T]), or alternatively press [Enter]. When you select a contact, a tick displays to the left of the contact indicating it has been toggled. To de-select a contact, focus on a selected contact and click Toggle or press [Enter]. The tick to the left of the contact disappears indicating the contact has been de-selected.

                                                          To continue with the routine after selecting all the contacts you wish to add the new note to, click Execute (press [Alt+E]) and the Add Notes window displays. At the Note code field nominate a code by which the Note will be indexed and either press [Tab] or [Enter] . You are then able to type in the body of the note being added to the batch of contacts.

                                                          Once you have completed the note, click OK to attach the note to the batch of contacts.

                                                          If you select a note code that is already used for any of the contacts selected in the batch, your are given the option to overwrite the existing note or not.

                                                          Back to The Contacts Browser

                                                          Range Add Notes

                                                          Accountants Enterprise only

                                                          This option allows you to add a new note that you specify, to a range of contacts in your database. Select Utilities > Notes > Range Add Notes.

                                                          Filter: At this one hundred and fifty alphanumeric character field, you may establish a condition so that the routine only adds the new note to a specific set of contacts. For example, if you enter the condition D169 EQ 'Doctor', then the note will be attached only to those contacts that have the title of 'Doctor'.


                                                          Select either User defined sequence or System Sequence to determine the method by which you wish to add the note to the contacts in your Central Database ledger. See below for further details.

                                                          User Defined Sequence

                                                          If you selected the User defined sequence radio button, once you complete data entry in the current window, you are prompted to define a sort sequence; the Create Sort Sequence window displays.

                                                          System Sequence

                                                          If you selected the System Sequence radio button, you are then prompted to select the range of contacts to be included in the listing. You have the option to enter a mask if required. Press Enter to bypass this field if necessary.

                                                          Click OK to save the information entered in the Range Add Notes window and the Add Notes window displays. At the Note code field nominate a code by which the Note will be indexed and click either [Tab] or [Enter]. You are then able to type in the body of the note being added to the range of contacts.

                                                          Once you have completed the note, click OK and to attach the note to the range of contacts.

                                                          If you select a note code that is already used for any of the contacts selected in the range, you are given the option to overwrite the existing note or not.

                                                          Back to The Contacts Browser

                                                          Change Case of Details for Selected Contacts

                                                          Accountants Enterprise only

                                                          This routine allows you to change the case of selected client details, names or addresses in the Database to be all upper case, lower case or edit case.

                                                          There are two radio buttons; User defined sequence and System Sequence.

                                                          User Defined Sequence

                                                          If you select the User defined sequence radio button, you are prompted to define a sort sequence. When you complete data entry in the current window; the Create Sort Sequence window displays.

                                                          System Sequence

                                                          If you select the System Sequence radio button, you will be required to nominate a range of codes to be changed once you have completed data entry in this window. You are then prompted to select the range of contacts to be included in the listing and can optionally include a mask for the particular selection.

                                                          Change: These checkboxes give you the option to select one or a combination of the three options. Select Client Details by pressing [Alt+l], Names by pressing [Alt+N] or Addresses by pressing [Alt+A] or by checking the checkboxes.

                                                          You can then select to change:

                                                          • All Names by pressing [Alt+m]

                                                          • This Name by pressing [Alt+T]

                                                          • All Addresses by pressing [Alt+r] or

                                                          • This Address by pressing [Alt+h].

                                                          If you select This name, the Select Name Entry window displays allowing you to select the name required from the index. Focus on the name required and press [Enter] or click Select.

                                                          If you select This Address, the Select Address Entry window displays allowing you to select the required address from the index. Focus on the required address and press [Enter] or click Select.

                                                          You may select one particular name and/or address or a combination of All Names and a particular address, or a particular name and All Addresses to be processed at the one time. Or you may prefer to make one selection at time.

                                                          Change To: There are three radio buttons provided to give you the option of selecting:

                                                          • Edit case by pressing [Alt+i]

                                                          • Upper case by pressing [Alt+U] or

                                                          • Lower case by pressing [Alt+L].

                                                          Filter: At this one hundred and fifty alphanumeric character field, you may establish a condition so that the report will print only a specific set of names. For example, if you enter the condition D169 EQ 'Doctor', then the changes will only be made to those names that have the field D169 - title equal to 'Doctor'.

                                                          At the base of the window is the Variables option. Selecting this will display the Letter Writing Variable Definitions window. The purpose of this is to allow you to make temporary changes to letter writing definitions, without affecting the masters saved in the Letter Writing Definitions option in Utilities.

                                                          When you display the Letter Writing Variable Definitions window, you will notice the Save to File button. This enables you to save any temporary changes as masters; press [Alt+S] to select this button. Exit this window by clicking Cancel or by closing the window.

                                                          Click OK to save the changes in the current window and proceed with the routine by defining a sort sequence. If no sort sequence is required, click OK.

                                                          Back to The Contacts Browser

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