Range Delete Sort View
Accountants Enterprise only
This routine enables you to delete a sort view from a range of contacts in your database. Click Utilities > Sort Views > Range Delete Sort View. The Range Delete Sort View window displays providing Sequence and Filter selection.
There are two radio buttons in this section of the window, User defined sequence and System Sequence. Select one of these buttons to determine the method by which sort views will be deleted from contacts in your Central Database ledger.
Click OK to save the information entered in the Range Delete Sort View window and continue with the routine.
User Defined Sequence
If you selected User defined sequence then click OK the Create Sort Sequence window displays. This enables you to nominate a specific range of contacts from which you wish to delete sort views. Refer to Creating Sort Sequences.
System Sequence
If select System Sequence then click OK the Record Selection window displays. In this window, nominate the range of contacts for which you wish to delete sort views. In the first field of the first line, nominate the first contact code in the range of contacts for which sort views are to be deleted. Enter EITHER C for Contact or E for Employee in the second field if required.
In the first field of the second line, nominate the contact code which ends the range of contacts from which you wish to delete sort views and press [Enter]. Type EITHER C for Contact or E for Employee in the second field of the second line only if required. In the example below, all contacts within the codes of ALLGPRO and WARD, apart from employees are included in the routine.
To: WARD : C
The Mask window appears. In this window, you may nominate to delete sort views from a specific group of contacts within the range you defined in the previous window. For example, if you enter the characters [C*], then only those contacts beginning with C will be included in the routine.
To continue with the routine after completing all fields, select the OK button and the Add Sort View window displays.
Sort View: Nominate the sort view you wish to delete from the range of contacts you selected in the previous window. Click [F10] or the ellipse to display a list of existing sort views.
The list that displays at the Sort Key field can also be opened by clicking Maintenance > Sort View Table.
Value: Enter the value of the sort view you wish to delete from contacts in your database. If you nominated a validating code, for example, partner in the Sort Key field, you will need to enter an employee that has a category code of partner.
If you are entering a sort view of either partner or manager, click [F10] to open the Select Employees window, listing all your employees. Select an employee that has a category code of partner or manager. If you enter an employee that does not have a category, a warning message will display.
Filter: At this one hundred and fifty alphanumeric character field, you may establish a condition so that the report will delete sort views only for a specific set of contacts. For example, if you enter the condition D169 EQ 'Doctor', then only those sort views attached to those contacts that have the title of 'Doctor' will be deleted.
After entering the details, click OK and the system deletes the relevant sort view(s) from the range of contacts selected.