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Not available in Accountants Office

The Flexi Report Sort Tab settings determine the sequence of the returns included in your report.

Index: This field determines the type of sort sequence the flexi report will adopt once you have decided how the report will be printed. Enter the one character code of the option you would like, or select Primary, Secondary and Tertiary.

Primary: This is the standard sort sequence, that is, by a combination of:

  • Return Code

  • Client Code: Tax File Number: Return Code

  • Form Type: Return Code

  • Status: Return Code

  • Office Index: Return Code

The sorting sequence Status: Return Code is not applicable if you are using the Simple Lodgment Control method of lodgment monitoring.

Each sequencing option acts much like a filter. For example, for Client Code: Tax File Number: Return Code in the primary sort index. First, Tax sorts by client code. It takes the results of that sort then proceeds to sort by tax file number. The results of the second sort are taken and then sorted by return code.

Secondary: This provides the following options:

  • ATO Level: Return Code

  • Partner: ATO Level: Return Code

  • Manager: ATO Level: Return Code

  • Employee: ATO Level: Return Code

  • Agent: ATO Level: Return Code

Tertiary: This provides the following options:

  • Return Code

  • Client: Return Code

  • Tax File Number: Return Code

  • Alpha sort: Return Code

  • Contact: Return Code

By Field: Select up to three fields to determine the order in which the returns will be sequenced for the report. For information on refer to CustomisingSortFields.

A101 sorting by return code must be entered in one of the sorting fields otherwise a warning message, informing you that A101 should be entered in one of the sort sequence fields, will be displayed.

New page on new code: If you tick this checkbox, the information for each of the sorting sequences determined by the selection at By Field will begin on a new page. For example, if you are sorting by partner, the information for each new partner will begin on a new page.

Customising Sort Fields

When designing a Flexi Report you can select to sort By Fields.

It is possible to sort by up to three fields selected from a list including these codes:

  • A101 - Return code

  • A102 - Client code

  • A102 - TFN

  • A106 - Form type

  • A108 - Date lodged

  • A112 - Status

  • A113 - Date status

  • A114 - Partner

  • A115 - Manager

  • A116 - Employee

  • A117 - Office Index

  • A118 - ATO level

  • A190 - Name

  • C120 - Birth date

  • A170 - Occupation code

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