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Transferor Properties

This is a Tax worksheet and is not lodged with the return.

The consolidated losses index lists the transferors of group and bundled losses that transferred to the head company of the consolidated group.

To add the details of a new transferor

To add the details of a new transferor (or to access a Bundle or Group of losses belonging to that transferor),

  1. Click PreparationScheduleConsolidation

  2. Losses Worksheet (clw) > New

To edit the details of an existing transferor

To edit the details of an existing transferor (or to access a Bundle or Group of losses belonging to that transferor),

  1. Click PreparationSchedule > Consolidation Losses Worksheet (clw) 

  2. Highlight the transferor in the index and click Properties.

Fields on this screen

TypeSelect either Group (G) or Bundle (B)
Bundle NoThe unique number associated to the bundle item being created. Each group number is the year (CCYY) prefixed by G, each bundle number is prefixed by B.
Transferor NameThe name of the entity from which the loss bundle was transferred. Click [F10] to select a Subsidiary of the group from Membership Entity index. Alternatively, you may select the head company details from the current return.
Transferor TFN The TFN of the entity from which the loss bundle was transferred. Click [F10] to select the transferor name and the TFN is derived from the transferor's data.
Joining Date The date that the transferor joined the consolidated group. Click [F10] to select the transferor and the Joining date is derived from the transferor's data.
Value Donor Concession used to calculate Available Fraction

 If the joining date of the entity is equal to the formation date of the consolidated group then by selecting this option the value donor concession rules will be employed for calculation of the available fraction.

The Rate-Foreign is made available on the Rates Tab when Value Donor Concession is indicated here.

The options offerred are

When reviewing the details of an existing transferor, OK validates and saves the data currently displayed and returns to the transferor index. To add a new transferor, click OK or click Apply.

CancelThis closes this screen without saving the data currently displayed.
EditTo the existing data, that is saved to the index previously, to be edited.
ApplyWhen adding new transferor details or reviewing the details of an transferor already added to the index, Apply validates and saves the data currently displayed and remains in the data entry screen.
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