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Update Tax Returns

Accountants Enterprise only

The following prompts will appear when adding, editing or deleting sort view values and the value of the sort view is:

  • Partner or Manager and

  • CDS is integrated with Tax (as set on the CDS Control Record Integration tab).

Update Partner (Manager) For Attached Returns?

This message displays if Central Database is integrated with Tax and you have selected the sort view Partner or Manager.

  • Change Defaulting: If this option is selected, any returns in Tax that have the old Partner or Manager code will be updated.

  • Change All: If this option is selected, all returns in Tax will be updated regardless of whether they have the old Partner or Manager code.

  • Skip: If this option is selected, returns in Tax are ignored.

The above prompts do not appear if you are 'Changing Sort view values' via utilities, as they do not apply.

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