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Validating Sort Views

Accountants Enterprise only

The system enables you to validate:

  • details relating to the contact to which you are applying the sort view

  • the value of the sort view against contacts in your database

For example:

"Every contact that is a client must have a partner sort view attached to it. The value of the sort view must be an employee who has the category of partner."


Following this scenario, the sort view we set up must be set to mandatory for contacts. Because it is mandatory, we can automatically set a default to be entered into the value of the sort view. For example, @First would pick up the first partner on file. You could alternatively enter a particular partners code.

Validation on Value

At the Code Type field, we answer E for Employees and in the Condition field we establish the condition D105 EQ 'P'. This means the value in the sort view must be a Partner.

A more complex condition may be the following:

D105 EQ 'P' OR D105 EQ 'M' AND D101 NE 'FRED'.
This means any partner or manager may be added as long as their name code is not FRED.

The information that can be filtered consists of the following:

  • a literal, that is, a name code which must be enclosed in apostrophes

  • a field for example, D105 (Status Type\Category) or D169 (Title)

  • a sort view, for example, @VIEW:XXXX where XXXX is the sort view code.

The above examples are known as 'arguments'.

The following is a list of all the valid commands you may use when establishing filters for the above arguments:



Meaning /Example


meaning "and" for example, @VIEW:PARTNER EQ 'CH' AND @VIEW:MANAGER EQ 'AB'


meaning "or" for example, @VIEW:PARTNER EQ 'CH' OR @VIEW:PARTNER EQ 'RD'


argument is equal to a certain value that is, @VIEW:PARTNER EQ 'CH'


argument is not equal to value


argument is greater than value for example, @VIEW:AREA GT '3000'


argument is greater than or equal to value


argument is less than a value


argument is less than or equal to a value


value must be contained in argument for example, 'Bond' IN D192


value must not be contained in argument


argument must be attached (the sort view must be on file)


argument must not be attached (the sort view must not be on file)

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