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Names and addresses in tax returns


A padlock symbol in the return

This symbol indicates that the client data has been selected from details entered into AO. If the padlock is present and the details need to be updated this must be done in AO from where the details flow to the tax return. To display any updated information that does not show in the open return click View > Refresh.

Client data derived from AO

The fields include:

  • Current client name,

Current postal address, see expand-Overseascountrynamesforindividuals.
  • Home address, see expand-Overseascountrynamesforindividuals.

  • ABN, TFN, ACN,

  • Date of birth,

  • Client name and Postal address on the previous tax return are derived from AO. Click the ellipsis to choose different details.

  • Business address of the main business is derived from AO. Where available click Amend Address to enter an address.

Tax Agent declaration details

These are derived from details recorded in Tax:

  • if the Return Properties > Staff tab shows no agent, lodgment will use the default agent for the practice recorded under Utilities > Control Record.

  • if the Return Properties > Staff tab shows an agent, lodgment will use that agent rather than the default for the practice as recorded under Maintenance > Agent > Properties.

Client details from other tax returns

Client details can be provided by selecting another tax return of the same year for details such as:

  • Ultimate holding company;

  • Spouse details (form I),

  • Member details (form MS);

  • Beneficiary or partner details for Distribution statements (forms T and P) et cetera.

Click F10 to select the relevant return from those in the current year ledger.

Fields open for data entry

Any field that you can type text into is ‘open’. These include:

  • Fund auditor (Form MS);

  • Full name of the trustee to whom notices should be sent (form T);

  • Full name of the partner to whom notices should be sent (form P);

  • Business name at item P6 (form I).

Details open for data entry include:

  • Trustee or Director’s declaration (form MS).

  • Title on front cover and declarations, is selected from a list acceptable to the ATO.

Practice manager (AE Series 6 & 8)

A padlock symbol in the return

The padlock symbol indicates that the client data has been selected from Practice Manager. If the padlock is present and the details need updating, you must do this in Practice Manager from where they'll flow through to the tax return. To display any updated information that is not showing in the open return click View > Refresh.

Client data derived from Practice Manager

This will include:

  • Current client name,

  • Current postal address, see expand-Overseascountrynamesforindividuals

  • Home address, refer to expand-Overseascountrynamesforindividuals

  • ABN, TFN, ACN,

  • Date of birth,

  • Client Name and Postal address on the previous tax return are derived from Practice Manager. Select the ellipsis to choose different details.

  • Business address of the main business is derived from Practice Manager. Where available click Amend Address to enter an address.

Tax Agent declaration details

The agent declaration details are derived from details recorded in Tax:

  • if the Return Properties > Staff tab shows no agent name, lodgment will use the default agent for the practice as entered under Utilities > Control Record.

  • if the Return Properties > Staff tab shows an agent name, lodgment will use that agent rather than the default for the practice. These agent details are entered under Maintenance > Agent > Properties.

Client details selected from another tax return

Client details can be provided by selecting another tax return in the same year for details such as:

  • Ultimate holding company;

  • Spouse details (form I);

  • Member details (form MS);

  • Beneficiary details (form T);

  • Partner details (form P), et cetera.

Click F10 to select the relevant return. It must be in the current year ledger.

Fields open for data entry include

Any field that you can type text into is ‘open’. These include:

  • Fund auditor (form F);

  • Full name of the trustee to whom notices should be sent (form T);

  • Full name of the partner to whom notices should be sent (form P);

  • Business name at Item P6 (form I).

Details open for data entry include:

  • Trustee or Director’s declaration (Form MS).

  • Title on front cover and declarations, is selected from a list provided by the ATO.

In 2007 and earlier

Tax return data entry shows changes including:

  • Newly created returns take data from Practice Manager.

  • The names and addresses on the front covers of an unlodged return are updated from Practice Manager details each time the return is opened.

  • Tax return front cover details are editable, but changes do not update Practice Manager.

  • During return data entry, lists of client data are provided from Practice Manager for Select Address, Select Employee, Select Extra Field.

Client data validation

Income tax return client data validation guidelines include:

  • A name must be either an individual name or a company (entity) name, not both.

  • On the same return current and previous names cannot be the same.

  • Names can only be made up of the characters listed below:

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (upper or lower case)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
' - space
! @ $ % & ( ) - = [ ] ; : ' " . ? / space ` # _ { } | \
  • These characters are not valid in any name: , ^ * ~ + < >

  • Family name and given names cannot contain:

the words "Exec for", "Rep for" or "Trustee for"
repeated hyphen, apostrophe or space characters
a space hyphen space combination. If a hyphen is used, it must be in the format, Smith-Jones.
the titles "Mr, Miss, Mrs or Ms"
"Esq, II, III, IV, Jnr, JP, MHA, MHR, MLA, MLC, MP, QC or Snr"
  • If other names are present, then a first given name is required

  • If given names are present, then a family name is required

  • Non-individual name field:

  • cannot contain "P/L" and

  • Must contain at least one alphabetic or numeric character.

  • If second line of name is present then a first line is required

  • Warnings are generated when:

  • The name field contains 3 or more identical contiguous alphabetic characters

  • The name field contains 2 or more identical contiguous non-alphabetic characters

  • The name field contains all numerics

  • The last character of the first line is filled and the first character of the second line is also filled - words cannot be split between 2 lines.

  • A company name contains the word 'partnership' - if the name is correct then Form P should be used.

PLS requirements for addresses

On the same return current and previous addresses cannot be the same.

Up to two lines of 38 characters are allowed for street name and number:

  • Street address line 1 must be present and neither line of address can include C/0, Care Of, CO, C/

  • Suburb, state and postcode must be printed on one line.

  • The suburb may not exceed 27 characters.

  • For a domestic address,

  • The state must be ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC or WA.

  • Both state and postcode must be entered and country name must be blank.

  • Address fields may contain only:

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
' & / ( ) space
  • These characters are not valid: , ^ * + ~ < > ! @ $ % = [ ] ; : " ? ` # _ { } | \

Domestic addresses: A domestic address must contain street name, suburb/town, state and postcode but must leave the country blank.

Overseas addresses: An overseas address must contain street name, suburb/town and country (not Australia).

Overseas country names for individuals

If your individual client has an overseas address for service of notices or as the home address, when completing income tax returns you'll need to choose from the list of acceptable Country names provided by the ATO. In many cases the addresses already recorded in your data base will be valid and no further action will be required. 

On the return front cover, MYOB Tax provides a list of valid country names. At the Overseas country field in the Postal or Home address field click F10 to select the country name.

For example, if you key your client’s overseas home address as South Korea, F3 validation will generate V1221. To find the name the valid ATO name for South Korea:

  1. At the Overseas country field open the list of countries,

  2. Type ‘South Korea’ into the Search field and click Search.

  3. On the list of matching entries highlight the country and click Select.

Long country names are truncated to meet PLS requirements.

Parameter tables

AE Tax only

The parameter tables are used in estimate calculations for resident and non-resident individuals, minors and trustees. The following links shows where in the parameter tables you can find the rates, offsets, thresholds, percentages and so on.

How to access the Resident Tax Rates:

  1. Click Maintenance > Parameter Tables.

  2. For the relevant income year select Master Individual Table > Properties > Resident Tax Rates

Resident Tax Rates include:

  • General Tax Rates and Income Thresholds, resident and non-resident individuals, and resident and non-resident minors under Div 6AA.

  • Dependant Offset Details - Offset, ATI and Reduction percentage for:

    • Spouse,

    • Child/housekeeper, Housekeeper,

    • Notional Dependants

    • Other

  • Income Test Thresholds - Dependency offsets, employee share schemes, commercial business losses thresholds.

  • Senior and pensioner Offset (SAPTO) - The SAPTO codes for Seniors and low age Government pension recipients.
    The Properties option for each code provides the Offset information and combined taxable income.

  • Zone Offsets - Zone thresholds:

    • Special and Ordinary Zone A

    • Special and Ordinary Zone B

    • Remote area allowance

    • Overseas Forces

  • Other Offsets tab - Tabs provide the details of offsets, thresholds and reduction rates for:

    • Government Co-contributions,

    • Super contributions for spouse,

    • Low income earners

    • Low and middle income earners

    • Other offsets rates for life assurance and friendly society bonuses, and infrastructure borrowing.

  • ETP / Super lump sums - Tabs are provided for:

    • ETP

    • ETP death benefit payments to dependants and non-dependants

    • Taxable component of lump sum

    • Super death benefits to dependants and non-dependants

    • Super income stream (SIS) taxable components

    • Super income stream (SIS) death benefit payments to dependants

  • HECS-TSL-SFSS - Income ceiling and percentage of repayment rates for:


    • Student financial supplement loan (SFSS)

  • Medicare, MLS and PHIR:

    • Medicare and Surcharge levy rates and thresholds

    • Low Income Thresholds for single and married taxpayers,phase in limits, and additional child increments

    • MLS - Medicare levy surcharge levy rates and thresholds

    • Private Health insurance income ceilings and maximum tax offsets

    • Hospital cover rates and thresholds

For non-residents, the only offset rate applicable is for ETP and Lump Sum Offsets.

CDS to VPM code mapping index

AE Tax only

This index displays the address and number types that have been mapped to VPM.

Altering column widths

Type: Either an address or a number

Normalised: Will display a tick if the address or number has been normalised for integration with the VPM database

CDS code: Address or number type code as shown on the CDS database

CDS description: Address or number description as shown on the CDS database. The Normalise routine creates unique CDS address and number types to remove duplicates where the same type has been used more than once for a particular contact. Where these types have been created, the description will be ‘Added by system’.

VPM type: This displays the address/number type code as used in the VPM database.

This normally will be the same as the CDS type code, but can be different if so desired. See Set VPM Type

Employee: This displays the VPM address/number type that will integrate to the Employee on CDS. Also read: Set VPM Type

Normalising multiple types: you may select more than one item at a time to Normalise. Hold the Shift key down and click the items you wish to Normalise. Each item will remain highlighted when it's been selected. See Normalise Tables.

Additional options

The right click provides additional functionality on this index. These are:

  • Standard selection: Choose this option to select all address/number types on the index
  • De-select all: Choose this option to de-select all address/number types on the index.

You are advised not to change this setting except on the direction of an MYOB consultant. Any errors made in association with VPM integration, will require restoring data to a back-up taken prior to the integration being changed. This may result in loss of data.

Profiles mapping index

AE Tax only

Press the Map button from the Integration tab when you've selected the integration type:

  • Profiles

  • Profiles and VPM, or

  • Non-MYOB

This index should be completed with advice from your MYOB consultant.

Set VPM Type

AE Tax only

We use this routine to map VPM address and number types to your CDS address and number types.

There are two stages to this process. These are:

  • Normalise a CDS address or number type (see Normalise Tables) and

  • Set the VPM type.

The Clear button removes a VPM type from an address/number. Use this function if you wish to remove a VPM type.

Setting the VPM type

Once you've Normalised the address/number type you wish to map (there'll be a tick in the Nml column), click Set and the Set VPM type window displays.

CDS Code: This shows the CDS code that you are going to map.

VPM Type: This will default to the same code as used in CDS. Enter the VPM code you wish CDS to map to.

Also use for Employee:

This routine allows you to map the CDS address / number type, for employee use. CDS allows you to store multiple address and number types against an employee. The VPM database allows only one address and up to four numbers to be stored against an employee. VPM's four numbers are predefined and are as follows:

  • Telephone

  • Fax

  • Mobile

  • Email

If you are mapping an address, press F10 or the arrow button to open the selection list. The option are address or none. Select address then click OK to save.

If you are mapping a number, press F10 or select the arrow button to open the selection list. The options are Telephone, Fax, Mobile, Email or None. Make a selection then click OK to save.

Once saved, the address / number is shown in the Employee column of the CDS to VPM code mapping index.

You are advised not to change this setting except on the direction of an MYOB consultant. Any errors made in association with VPM integration, will require restoring your data to a back-up taken prior to the integration being changed. This may result in loss of data.

Normalise tables

AE Tax only

This routine is used during the installation of integration between CDS and VPM and is normally performed by your MYOB consultant.

The VPM database will only store unique codes and can therefore only store one of each type of address or number against each contact. CDS however, permits duplicates and these must be removed prior to integration with VPM. This is achieved by the Normalise function.

For example:

Prior to integration with VPM, a CDS contact had 3 addresses of type BUSINESS attached. The Normalise routine will remove the duplicates by using the following address types:




Refer to:

  • CDS to VPM mapping index

  • Set VPM Type

You are advised not to change this setting except on the direction of an MYOB consultant. Any errors made in association with VPM integration will require restoring data to a back-up taken prior to the integration being changed. This may result in loss of data.

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