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Other Taxes

Not available in Accountants Office

This dialog is used for entering all non-PAYG taxes withheld and Credits received. If the sub-dialogs have been used, these fields will already have been pre-filled from those dialogs already processed in during data entry.

Access is provided to:

Primary Production Distribution Income

ABN Tax Paid: Enter the share of ABN tax paid from income that was received as a distribution from a partnership or trust.

Primary Production Business Income

Taxes Withheld: Enter the amount of tax withheld from net non-primary production income earned. The amount in this field pre-fills from the TFN Tax Paid field in the Primary Production Income screen if already entered.

Interest Income

TFN Tax Paid: Enter the amount TFN withheld received where the business failed to quote its tax file number. The amount in this field pre-fills from the TFN Tax Paid field in the Business and Investment Income screen.

Non-Primary Production Distribution Income

ABN Tax Paid: Enter the share of ABN credit distributed from a partnership or trust.

TFN Tax Paid: Enter the share of TFN withheld distributed from a partnership or trust.

Franking Credit: Enter the share of franking credit distributed from a partnership or trust.

FRW (Foreign Resident Withholding) Credit: Enter the share of credit for Foreign Resident withholding distributed from a Trust to a non-resident taxpayer.

Trustee MIF Credit: Enter the share of credit from a Trustee for a Managed investment trust for a Foreign Resident.

Share of NRAS Tax Offset: Enter any NRAS tax offset due to the taxpayer whether it is distributed from a Partnership or Trust or provided to the taxpayer in a certificate by the relevant body.

Non–Primary Production Business Income

Taxes withheld: Enter the amount of tax withheld from net non-primary production income earned. This amount corresponds to the Net Income/Loss from a business field in an individual tax return form.

Dividend Income

Franking Credit: Enter the amount of franking credit allowed to a taxpayer for taxes already paid on dividends. This amount is grossed up and given back to the taxpayer as a credit.

TFN Tax Paid: Enter the amount of tax deducted on income received from companies that pay unfranked dividends, where the taxpayer failed to quote their tax file number to the investment body. The amount in this field corresponds to the Dividends field of an individual tax return form. The amount pre-fills from the TFN Tax Paid field in the Business and Investment Income screen.

Early Payment Interest Credit

Enter the details in the Early Payment Interest Schedule or key the known amount.

Foreign Income

Australian Franking Credit from a New Zealand Company: Enter the amount of Australian franking credits allowed on income received by the taxpayer who is an Australian resident. The income must be either a dividend from a New Zealand company that has Australian franking credits attached, a supplementary dividend from a New Zealand company, or a distribution from a partnership or trust which includes Australian franking credits from a New Zealand company.

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