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To access the Lodgment details for a return, click Return Properties > PAYG/Lodge Tab. This tab contains details of:

    • Last Year Tax Paid

    • PAYG Instalments Paid last year against next year's estimated income

    • Current Year Lodgment information

Company and Fund Returns only

Date of establishment/incorporation

Enter the date that the company was incorporated or the fund was established.

Other Return Types

Last Year

Amt payable/refThis is the taxpayer's tax liability for the previous year positive or negative. It does not apply to Partnerships. It rolls over from the previous year's F4 estimate when the return is in your database. Otherwise you can enter the amount.
Instalment Type

Available instalment types are:

  • No PAYGI Instalments,
  • Seasonal (2 instalments for the year for Primary Producers)
  • Quarterly (Q)
  • Annual (A).
ATO office

Refers to the previous year's office of lodgment. It defaults from last year's return if it is in your database. Otherwise it defaults from the Control Record.

You can click the ellipsis and choose from the list of ATO office codes.

Taxable Income or Loss and Gross Tax PaidThis is the taxable income or loss from the previous year as shown on the F4 estimate. If the fields are blank you can enter those details. The Tax Level will be set to blank. If you have the client's assessment, key the taxable income and gross tax paid and we'll calculate the tax level and due date.

PAYG Instalments for Estimate

Use amounts from the GST/PAYG Profile

If you lodge Activity Statements on behalf of your clients, the GST Profile and the Return Properties > PAYG/Lodge tab are automatically updated with PAYGI Tax Instalments (PAYGITI) paid. The sum of Quarters 1 to 4 are included in the F4 estimate calculated whether positive or negative.

  • Quarters 1, 2, 3: If amounts have not defaulted to this field from the GST Profile, you can key the total of them if no GST Profile was maintained in the previous year or you've a new client.
  • Quarter 4/Annual: This is final instalment amount for the previous year. It defaults from the Instalment tab 5A of the Preparation > GST/PAYG Profile.

If you've yet to lodge Q4, then Select the Use manually calculated value Radio button and key the sum of Q1 to Q4 Instalments.

Use manually calculated valueIf you do not use Tax to prepare and lodge Activity Statements and haven't updated the GST Profile > Instalment tab manually, then you can key the amount to be included in the F4 estimate. If the amount is negative, precede the value with a hyphen (-). The amount keyed as Total PAYGI Tax Instalments paid must include the total amount for the 4 Quarters even if they aren't yet paid.

Current Year

Exclude from rolloverSo that clients for whom you no longer act are excluded from the RSD rollover functionality. Select this checkbox.
ATO Office

This field defaults from the Control record. If it is not correct for any particular return, then click the ellipsis and choose from the drop-list of ATO Offices.

The ATO code is used by Tax for ELS warning messages. It is updated from the Client List report RPTCL.

PAYG Estimate Options

This determines how the GDP adjusted PAYGI instalment estimate is calculated.

To have the instalment rate print on the Taxation Estimate or the Detailed Estimates:

  1. Select Code I Commissioner's Rate Instalment Estimate,

  2. Select F4 Estimates.

  3. To print with the PAYG income tax payable, leave the Exclude PAYG calculations option blank. To print without the PAYG income tax payable, select Exclude PAYG calculations.


Company and Fund returns only: The Classification is selected on the basis of the entity's income for the previous year.

Classification levels are from Lod 1 to Lod 31, NFSA and Unclassified. The Due Date is established depending on the Classification code selected.

The classification is automatically updated on rollover. You can choose to update the Classification from the Client List received from the ATO.

Accounting yearThe current year dates are the default and where a substituted accounting period applies, these dates should be edited.
Return requiredThis field allows you to exclude from Lodgment and Statistical reports those Return Codes for which a return will not be lodged. The default is required, but you can select Not this year or No future return from the list. This field is updated automatically when you lodge a Client Update form (CU) advising the ATO RNN or NFRN.
LevelRefers to the level of tax payable by the taxpayer. You can select from the index of tax levels. Where the return exists in your database,Tax auto-generates the tax level.
Date dueThis date defaults from the date at which 100% of the returns for the relevant level and type are required to be lodged. These dates are set up in the Budget Maintenance index. You may elect to update this field from the Due Lodgment Report.
Changing this date affects budget and statistical reporting.
GST Inclusive invoice amountYou'ff find this amount on the Invoice Tab.
Amount paidThis field is found on the Invoice Tab.
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