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Finding tax clients that have missed a payment

The Missed Payments page provides a list of all the clients in your practice who have missed their payments within a specified date range.

To assist you review the clients with missed payments, you can:

  • filter the list to display only those that match the information you require

  • customise the layout of the information to suit the way you like to work by changing the information displayed on the list by sorting, adding, removing and changing the order of the columns in the list

  • group the results so that tax clients with the same information are listed together.

For details on filtering and customising the list of missed payments, see Organising your data.

Once you've found the client you are interested in, you can quickly access the following areas of MYOB AE/AO for the client:

  • Tax Manager — click the IRD Number for the required client to view their transactions in Tax Manager.

  • Return preparation — click the Return Name for the required client to open their tax return.

  • Client’s Tax tab information — click the Client Code for the required client to open their Client page Tax tab.

To open the missed payments page
  1. On the toolbar, from the Tax drop-down list, select Missed Payments. The Missed Payments page appears.
  2. To display information, select a Due Date range.
  3. Click Search.
To print or export the current list of tax clients

 You can print or export the displayed list of tax clients to use in Excel.

  • On the TASKS bar, click print
    . A Print - Find Results window appears. Optionally, you can preview, then and print the search results.
  • To export the current list of tax clients to Excel, on the TASKS bar, click export to Excel

    . The list of tax clients is exported to Excel and the spreadsheet opens.

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