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Tax notice merge fields

The following merge fields are available for the various sections of a tax notice:


Merge field


<<20 March 2014>>

Current system date.


The addressee is taken from the Main tab on the Client page.


The address of the agency as entered in Maintenance > Maintenance Map > Tax > Maintain Agencies.


The postcode of the agency’s address as entered in Maintenance > Maintenance Map > Tax > Maintain Agencies.


The suburb of the agency’s address as entered in Maintenance > Maintenance Map > Tax > Maintain Agencies.


The town of the agency’s address as entered in Maintenance > Maintenance Map > Tax > Maintain Agencies.


The name of the company as entered in Maintenance > Maintenance Map > Internal > Companies.


The client’s country location is taken from the Main tab on the Client page.


The client’s mailing name is taken from the Main tab on the Client page.


The client’s postal address is taken from the Main tab on the Client page.


The postcode of the client’s address is taken from the Main tab on the Client page.


The client’s town is taken from the Main tab on the Client page.


Merge field



The agency email as entered in Maintenance > Maintenance Map > Tax > Maintain Agencies.


The agency telephone number as entered in Maintenance > Maintenance Map > Tax > Maintain Agencies.


This is the amount of tax type (one for each tax type if the amount is not zero).

<<Amount1>> to <<Amount9>>

The tax notice amount lines.

<<Description1>> to <<Description9>>

The tax notice description lines.


The due date of the tax notice.


This is the payment type, e.g., 2nd Instalment, Terminal tax, etc.


The client’s partner taken from the Responsibility tab on the Client page.


The tax year end date (one for each tax type if the amount is not zero).


The greeting for the client as entered in Main > Salutation on the Client page.

<<SupportingAmount1>> to <<SupportingAmount9>>

The tax notice supporting amount lines.


The tax year the notice is applicable for.


The defined amount entered in the Tax Notice Details window.


The tax type as entered in the Tax Notice Details window.


The defined description entered in the Tax Notice Details window.

Merge field



The postcode of the agency’s address as entered in Maintenance > Maintenance Map > Tax > Maintain Agencies.


The suburb of the agency’s address as entered in Maintenance > Maintenance Map > Tax > Maintain Agencies.


The town of the agency’s address as entered in Maintenance > Maintenance Map > Tax > Maintain Agencies.


The name of the client is taken from the Main tab on the Client page. Entities will print PreName Main. Individuals will print Last, First Middle.


The country that the client resides in is taken from the Main tab on the Client page.


The due date of the tax notice.


The agency address is taken from Maintenance > Maintenance Map > Tax > Maintain Agencies.


The client’s postal address is taken from the Addresses tab on the Client page.


The client’s IRD number is taken from the Extra tab on the Client page.


The postcode of the client’s address is taken from the Main tab on the Client page.


The code for any amounts that apart from the income tax amount (i.e., for the tax types other than the income tax type).


The amount of the non-income tax types.


The tax year the notice is applicable for (used for the non-income tax types).


The tax year the notice is applicable for.


The total amount of the tax notice.


The total amount of the terminal tax notice (i.e., for the income tax type only).


The town of the client’s address is taken from the Main tab on the Client page.

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