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Tax NZ - 2019

EOFY 2024

IRD Tax Guides 2019

The 2019 Inland Revenue Tax Guides are provided here for your convenience. Click here forIRD Tax Guides 2020. The Welcome page that displays when you first o...

IR215 Guide

Questions Section A—Working for Families Tax Credits (WfFTC) customers IR215 Section A—Working for Families Tax Credits (WfFTC) customers#expand-4Passiveinco...

IR3 Guide

IR3 Do you need to file an IR3 return? IR3 Children’s exempt income IR3 Extension of time IR3 Are there any penalties? IR3 Income year IR3 Using this guide Q...

IR3NR Guide

IR3NR Guide IR3NR Non-residents Questions 1–6 IR3NR Personal information 7 IR3NR Question 7 Bank account number 8 IR3NR Question 8 New Zealand Superannuation...

IR4 Guide

Company returns IR4 Company returns#Incometaxreturn IR4 Company returns#Imputationreturn Questions 1–8 IR4 Questions 1 to 8 Company details 9 IR4 Question 9 ...

IR4J Guide

1–5 IR4J Questions 1 to 5 Imputation return IR4J Annual imputation return 6 IR4J Question 6 Opening balance 7 IR4J Question 7 Credits 8 IR4J Question 8 Debit...

IR7 Guide

IR7 Introduction IR7 Questions 1–7 IR7 Front page of the return 9 IR7 Question 9 Has the partnership or LTC ceased? 10 IR7 Question 10 Schedular payments 11 ...

IR8 Guide

IR8 Guide IR8 What is a Maori authority? IR8 Who has to file a return? IR8 Return due date IR8 Annual Maori authority credit account return Questions 2 IR8 Q...

IR833 Guide

IR833 When to use this form IR833 Property sales tax rules IR833 Bright-line test for residential property Completing the IR833 IR833 Transferring the income...

IR9 Guide

IR9 Introduction Who has to file a return? IR9 Introduction IR9 Questions 2 IR9 Question 2 Club or society’s name 3 IR9 Question 3 Postal address 6 IR9 Quest...

IR10 Guide

IR10 Introduction IR10 Which returns may require an IR10? IR10 Filling in the boxes IR10 Items listed under boxes IR10 Glossary

IR GST 103 Guide

Questions Page 1 of your GST 103 5–10 Work out GST on sales and income 11–14 Work out GST on purchases and expenses 15 Work out if you have a GST refund or G...

IR Schedules

Schedules 13 IR Schedules New Zealand interest 14 IR Schedules New Zealand dividends 15 IR Schedules Maori authority distributions 16 IR Schedules Estate or ...

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