The information in Questions 1 to 6 of the return helps Inland Revenue to be sure that any correspondence they send goes to the right person at the right address.
Fill in these questions only if the correct information is not printed on the return.
Question 1 IRD number
If the estate or trust does not have an IRD number complete an IRD number application – resident non-individual (IR596) and send it in with the return.
Question 2 Name of estate or trust
If the estate or trust has changed its name since the last time a return was filed, please provide proof of the change so Inland Revenue can update their records, for example, trustee resolution.
Questions 3 and 4 Postal address and phone number
If you have a new postal address, write the details at Question 3. If your new postal address is a PO Box number, please show your box lobby if you have one. If you’re unsure please contact New Zealand Post.
If the estate or trust uses its tax agent’s postal address, leave this panel blank. Your tax agent will let Inland Revenue know of any change of address when updating their client list. InlandRevenueaskforyour daytime phone number at Question 4 in case they need to call you with questions about the return.
Question 5 Business industry classification (BIC) code
Inland Revenue are required to supply the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) with a code for your business or trading activity, for levy classification and calculation
If your BIC code isn’t pre-printed on the return or is different from the pre-printed one, please enter the correct code.
To work out your main business or trading activity and its code, go to or call ACC on 0800 222 776.
It’s important that you choose the code which most accurately reflects your main business or trading activity.
Please provide the code only. Don’t provide a description.
Question 6 Bank account number
The fastest and safest way to get any refund is to have it direct credited to your New Zealand bank account or other deposit account, for example, a building society account. If your bank account number isn’t preprinted on the return form, please include it at Question 6.
If your suffix has only two digits, enter them in the first two squares of the suffix box.
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