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IR7 Question 19C Residential land withholding tax (RLWT) credit

If a partner had RLWT deducted from the sale or transfer of a residential property located in New Zealand, they’ll need to show the full amount of the RLWT in their own individual income tax return. Don’t include it in the partnership tax credits.

If the LTC is an “offshore RLWT person” and has sold or transferred residential property located in New Zealand, RLWT may have been deducted from the sale price. The LTC should have received a statement on the completion of the sale process showing the amount of RLWT deducted. The LTC can claim a credit for any RLWT deducted. Show the amount of RLWT deducted, less any RLWT paid back to the LTC and/or transferred to outstanding amounts during the income year.

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