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IR833 Dates for property sales subject to the bright-line test

If you have ticked that the sale or disposal of the property is taxable under the bright-line test, use the dates in the table below. Remember that the bright-line test only applies to residential property bought/acquired on or after 1 October 2015.

Note: Registration date is the date the property transfer was registered with Land Information New Zealand (LINZ). If the property is in another country, it’s the date the transfer was registered under that country’s laws.


Type of purchase/acquisition

Date to use

Purchase of property

Registration date

Purchase where no registration occurs prior to the bright- line sale/disposal date

Latest date that you acquired an interest in the property

Acquiring property by way of subdivision of property where registration of the undivided property has occurred prior to the bright-line sale/disposal date

The original date of registration for the undivided property

Acquiring property by way of subdivision of property where no registration occurs prior to the bright-line sale/disposal date

The latest date you acquired an interest in the undivided land



Type of sale/disposal

Date to use

Sale, transfer or disposal of property under an agreement

Date you entered into an agreement for sale, transfer or disposal

Gifting of property

Date the gift was made

Compulsory acquisition by the Crown, a local authority or a public authority

Date of compulsory acquisition

Mortgagee sale

Date the property is disposed of by or for the mortgagee as a result of the mortgagor’s default

Disposals not covered above

Date you disposed of the property

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