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IR833 When to use this form

Complete this form if:

  • you sold a property, and

  • have taxable income in the income year from the sale of property.

If you received this IR833 as part of an annual tax-pack, it’s because Inland Revenue’s records show you have sold/transferred a property during the income year and you may be required to declare income from the sale or transfer. If your property sale wasn’t taxable, and you aren’t required to file the tax return for some other reason, please contact Inland Revenue on 0800 227 774 (individual) or 0800 377 774 (non-individual) to advise.

If you made taxable income from the sale or transfer of property, use a separate IR833 for each property you’ve sold. If you’ve sold more than five properties during the year, you may choose to send your own list including all of the information requested in this form.

If you’ve included the sale(s) of property in the business income question in your tax return, you don’t need to complete an IR833 for that property sale(s).

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