Check that you meet the prerequisites for the ledger you're configuring.
If you're configuring...
Make sure...
You have the offline login details of an administrator user in your file. The PC with your library files has the same version of AccountRight server edition as your client is using. You can have multiple versions installed, but at least one must be the same as your client's. The PC with your library files has the latest version of the AccountRight API (Addon Connector). (For online files) Your practice MYOB login is set up as an online administrator of the file.
AccountRight Classic
You have the login details of an administrator user in your file. You have the same version of AccountRight Classic that your client is using. You can have multiple versions installed, but at least one must be the same as your client's. The location of AccountRight Classic has been specified in your Client Accounting Settings.
MYOB Business or AE/AO Ledger
Your practice MYOB login has at least Advisor access to the ledger. Your MYOB login has at least File Access to the ledger.
To configure an MYOB Business, AccountRight or AE/AO Ledger
Go to the client's Client Accounting > Trial Balance/Workpapers tab.
On the TASKS bar, click Edit Configuration Details.
From the Product drop-down, select MYOB Business, AccountRight or AE/AO Ledger.
Click the File Location ellipsis
. The Select Company File window appears.
When you've found the AccountRight or AE/AO Ledger, select the file and click the Select file button to configure the file.
The File location, File path, Entity type and Industry type fields are automatically populated.
Statutory Reporter uses the Entity type and Industry type fields to smart-allocate accounts to groups. You can change the fields if you need to.
Enter the offline User name and Password for the client’s file.
For AccountRight files, this must be the offlineAdministrator's login credentials used to log in to the company file from the AccountRight software. If the file is online, this user must also be a Cloud administrator.
Select a Prior Year Balances option.
Prior year balances
Use ledger balances
Prior year balances are received from the common ledger. Select this option if the prior year closing balances in your client's ledger are correct or if you want to post adjustment journals to your client's ledger to align their balances with yours.
Use modified balances
Prior year balances will come from the balances you enter in the Modify Prior year balances window. If you need to correct your client's opening balances but you don't want to post journals into their ledger, use this option to display the right balances when you produce your Client Accounting reports.
Click OK. The balances are retrieved from the configured AccountRight file and displayed in the Trial Balance (Workpaper) period.
To configure an MYOB AccountRight Classic (v19 or earlier) company file
Go to the client's Client Accounting > Trial Balance/Workpapers tab.
On the TASKS bar, click Edit Configuration Details.
From the Product drop-down, select AccountRight v19.x or earlier.
Click the File Location ellipsis
. The Select Company File window appears
Browse to the location where the AccountRight company file you want to configure is stored, select the tfile and click Open. The File location, File path, Entity type and Industry type fields are automatically populated.
Statutory Reporter uses the Entity type and Industry type fields to smart-allocate accounts to groups. You can change the fields if you need to.
Enter the Username and Password for the client’s file.
This needs to be an Administrator's login credentials used to log in to the company file from the AccountRight software.
Select a Prior Year Balances option.
Prior year balances
Use ledger balances
Prior year balances are received from the common ledger. Select this option if the prior year closing balances in your client's ledger are correct or if you want to post adjustment journals to your client's ledger to align their balances with yours.
Use modified balances
Prior year balances will come from the balances you enter in the Modify Prior year balances window. If you need to correct your client's opening balances but you don't want to post journals into their ledger, use this option to display the right balances when you produce your Client Accounting reports.
Click OK. The balances are retrieved from the configured AccountRight file and displayed in the Trial Balance (Workpaper) period.
To configure an AE/AO Ledger
Go to the client's Client Accounting > Trial Balance/Workpapers tab.
On the TASKS bar, click Edit Configuration Details.
From the Product drop-down, select AE/AO Ledger.
Click the File Location ellipsis
. The Select Company File window appears.
Select the Essentials ledger you want to configure, then click Select File. The File location, File path, Entity type and Industry type fields are automatically populated.
Click OK.
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