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Creating a practice chart template

When creating a new MYOB Ledger, you're asked to choose a chart of accounts template.

We've provided templates for each entity type using MYOB standard chart of accounts. However, you can choose to create your own set of templates for use by your practice.

You can find the chart of accounts templates in your \Central\Deploy\Client Accounting Templates folder. Within this folder is your Practice Chart templates and MYOB Standard Chart templates.

By default, the Practice Charts folder is empty. This is where you'll save your practice's custom chart templates.

1. Copy the Chart_Template.csv file to the Practice Templates folder
  1. Open Windows File Explorer and navigate to:

    If you're using...
    Go to...

    Accountants Enterprise (AE)
    X:\MYOBAE\AESQL\Central\Deploy\Client Accounting Templates\MYOB Standard Charts
    Accountants Office (AO)X:\MYOBAO\AOSQL\Central\Deploy\Client Accounting Templates\MYOB Standard Charts.

    Where X:\ is drive AE or AO has been installed to.

  2. RIght-click on the Chart_Template.csv file and from the drop-down menu, choose Copy.

  3. Click the up arrow (

    ) next to the address bar to return to the Client Accounting Templates folder.

  4. From the Client Accounting Templates folder, open the Practice Charts folder.

  5. Right-click on any blank space in the Practice Charts folder and from the drop-down menu, choose Paste.

2. Add accounts and format the Chart of Accounts template
  1. Right-click on the Chart_Template.csv file and from the drop-down menu click Open With...

  2. Choose Excel.

      Opening CSV files in Excel may result in trailing zeros being removed from Account codes with decimal places.

  3. Start at row 2 and enter the account code, name, type, account type group and tax code in the relevant fields as per the table below:

    Row 1 must contain ALL column headers.

    You must have the column headings present in row 1, in the same order as the Chart_template.csv file. These column headings are the name of the fields that the data is imported to.

    If you don't have data to import for a particular field, the column heading must still be present in Row 1, but you can leave the data blank (i.e. row 2 onwards)

    Column header
    Rules for the data

    If this field is left blank, the record is ignored and the account is not imported.


    Enter a description for the account. If this field is left blank the account will be imported with the account name "*** Unknown Account ***".


    Enter the type of account in this column. Accepted account types are as follows:

    • Income
    • Other Income
    • Cost of Sales
    • Expense

    • Other Expense
    • Assets
    • Liabilities
    • Equity
    • Uncategorised

    If this field is left blank or an account type not in the above list is used, the account will be given the type “Uncategorised


    If the account is a control account, enter Yes in the AccountTypeGroup column. For each sub-account, enter the account code of the control account in the AccountTypeGroup column. This will link the sub-account to the control account.

    This field is optional. For normal accounts, leave this field blank.


    Accepted Tax codes

    Tax Code
    CAPCapital acquisitions

    EXPExport sales

    FREGST free

    GNRGST not registered 

    INPInput taxed purchases

    ITSInput taxed Sales

    GSTGoods & Services Tax

    NTRNot reportable
    NANo tax implied

    IGST on imported supplies

    If this field is left blank, the account will be given the default tax code 'NA' (no tax implied).

    Make sure you include all system accounts in the chart template. You'll need to specify these account codes when creating a ledger. These are:

    • GST Paid

    • GST Collected

    • Retained Earnings

    • Allocate Me (Withdrawal)

    • Allocate Me (Deposit)
    • Historical Balancing

  4. Once all accounts that you wish to import are listed in the file, click the File tab and choose Save As.

  5. Change the name of the file to reflect the chart style and entity type, then click Save.

    Save the file using the following naming convention <ChartType>_<EntityType> (where <entity type> is Individual, Partnership, or Company).

    When creating a new MYOB Ledger, Client Accounting will automatically fill in the entity type and chart type based on this naming convention.

    For example, MAS_Partnership, ACCOUNTS_Company or AOGL_Indiviudal.

Practice Chart FAQs

I want to create my chart in Client Accounting. How do I choose no template?

When creating a new MYOB Ledger, the Select chart template is a mandatory field, meaning you must choose a template to create the ledger.

If you want to Managing accounts chart or Importing a Chart of Accounts, choose Chart_Template.csv.

This file is a blank chart template containing only the column headers required by Client Accounting.

Can I import a chart of accounts from my client's non-myob software?

Yes, you can. Check out Importing a Chart of Accounts for details.

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