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Drilling down on an account balance

The Drill Down option is used to view a breakdown of the individual account balances which make up the selected value. It groups together individual account balances under the account groups to which they are allocated.

From the Drill Down window, one or more account codes can be reallocated to a different account group.

To drill down on an account balance
  1. Preview the financial statement for the client. See Previewing financial statements. The Report Preview window opens.

  2. Find the paragraph to be viewed and edited.

  3. Place the cursor over a balance. The pointer changes to


  4. Click the balance. The Drill Down window opens.

  5. Expand any entries and view the balances.

To reallocate accounts
  1. Select the account to be reallocated in the list of the Drill Down window.
  2. Click Reallocate Accounts. The Select Account Group window opens.
  3. Select the account group to which the account is to be reallocated.
  4. Click OK. The financial statements are regenerated. The Report Preview window updates showing the financial statements with the changes applied.
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