Access the Designer. The MYOB Workpaper Templates window opens.
Select the Practice templates option. A list of available practice templates is displayed.
Select the practice template. Select the row containing the practice template or click the checkbox adjacent to the practice template.
Click Properties on the Tasks bar. The Amend Workpaper Template Details window opens.
Edit the Template description, if required. To edit the template description, delete the highlighted text and enter an appropriate description for the practice template. Alternatively, overtype any of the existing description. The description is limited to a maximum of 100 alphanumeric characters. The description is not case sensitive.
The Template description must be unique.
Change the Template status, if required. Select the appropriate status from the drop-down; either Approved or In progress..
Change the Template status, if required. Select the appropriate status from the drop-down; either Approved or In progress.
Change the practice template Category, if required. Select the appropriate Category from the drop-down.
(Australia) If you have selected the Tax category, the Tax form type field is editable. Select the appropriate Tax Return Form for this workpaper template.
Select or deselect the Rollover workpaper to next accounting period option, if required.
Select this option if you want client workpapers that are created from this template to be rolled over into the next accounting period.
Select or deselect the Show a link in the Prepare Workpapers screen to all referenced account codes option, if required.
Select this option if you want this workpaper to be shown against all the account codes referenced in it, rather than only against the account code the workpaper was initially created for.
Click OK. All changes made to the properties of the selected practice template are saved.
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