Accountants Enterprise only
As the format of the templates relies on the use of tables, it is recommended that a text display table is used to align the columns of a data entry table. Once the data entry table is formatted, the text display table is deleted.
If you add a table into your practice template, it will be displayed with no borders. You will have to add any borders that you require.
If your practice has documentation standards that require corporate colours for tables, these can be added to any table.
How to align a data entry table using a text display table Open the practice template for editing. See Opening a practice template for editing . Position the mouse cursor below the data entry table. Press [Enter ] to add a new blank line. Select Table > Insert > Table on the main menu. The Insert Table window opens. Change the number of Rows and Columns to what is required for your data entry table. Click OK . The Insert Table window closes. The text display table is inserted at the cursor position. Resize each of the columns so that they align with the columns of the blank text display table. Save the template. Position the mouse cursor inside the text display table that was used as a ruler to format the data entry table. Select Table > Delete > Table on the main menu. The text display table that was used as a ruler is deleted. Save the template. How to add table borders Open the practice template for editing. See Opening a practice template for editing . Select all the cells of the table. Select Format > Table on the main menu. The Table Properties window opens. Select the All borders option in the Frame section. Click OK . The Table Properties window closes. Save the template. How to use colours in tables Open the practice template for editing. See Opening a practice template for editing . Position the mouse cursor in the cell of the table that is to be coloured. Or highlight a number of cells. Select Format > Table on the main menu. The Table Properties window opens. Click the Other button in the Background section. The Color palette opens. Make your selection. Click Define Custom Colors to further define your practice standard colours. Click OK . The Color palette closes. Click OK . The Table Properties window closes. Save the template.