Position the mouse cursor in the practice template where the new field is to be inserted.
Click Insert Field on the toolbar.
Select Insert > Field on the main menu. The Insert Field window opens.
Select Account amount.
Click OK. The Account Amount window opens.
Enter a Field name for the Account Amount field. The Field name is automatically filled when the Account Amount window opens. You can accept the default or overwrite it. The system will allocate the next sequential number prefixed by a B for account fields.
If you decide to overwrite the default Field name, then enter a unique Field name. Conditions for the Field name:
It is limited to a maximum of 30 alphanumeric characters.
It must not start with a number, as this affects the calculations.
It must not contain any spaces.
It may contain an underscore as part of the name.
It is not case sensitive.
Select the account code. There are two options:
Show details for the linked account code. That is, the account the workpaper is linked to.
Show details for an account code in this workpaper. If you select this option, then you must select the appropriate Field name from the drop-down.
Select the Account balance display details.
Select the appropriate Display option from the drop-down. The default option is Adjusted closing balance.
Select the appropriate Format option from the drop-down for how the account balance is to be displayed. The default option is Number - 2 decimal places.The Number - 2 decimal places and the Number - no decimal options display with no formatting and no commas, e.g., 2478.55. The Currency option displays the account balance with a thousands separator and a currency value as set by the regional settings, e.g., $2,478.55. With all options, negative numbers are displayed with a leading minus sign, e.g., -2478.55.
Tick the Include comma separators checkbox if you want to include a comma as a thousands separator.
If you select Currency from the Format drop-down, this checkbox is disabled.
Select the Show this number when zero option,if required.
Select the Display a red flag icon in the Prepare Workpapers list if a discrepancy exists option, if required.
Click OK. The Account Amount field is placed at the insertion point. The Account Amount window and the Insert Field window close.
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