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Linking clients in a workpaper

Accountants Enterprise only

If you have Workpaper Designer, you can add a Link client button into your workpapers, so that you can insert an account balance for a related entity – see Inserting an account code or description for more information.

How to add a link to a client in a workpaper that includes a Link Client button
  1. Click Link Client. The Link Workpaper Fields window displays.
  2. Click [...] beside the Select Client field to select the client to link. The Find Client dialog displays.
  3. Type part of the name of the client in the Search for field and click Search. A list of matching clients displays.
  4. Select the client to link to and click OK. The Select Workpaper Fields window redisplays.
  5. Select a period from the Select period dropdown. A list of accounts displays.
  6. Select the account and click OK. The workpaper redisplays showing the name of the linked client and the balance of the linked account. Click Unlink client to remove the connection from the workpaper.
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