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Producing periodic reports



To add a periodic Trial Balance (Workpapers) period
  1. Open Client Accounting and click the Trial Balance (Workpapers) tab.
  2. Click Add Period.
  3. In the Date Range window:
    1. Enter up to 100 characters for the Description of the Workpaper period.
    2. In Starting from, enter the period start date in dd/mm/yyyy format.
    3. In Ending On, enter the period end date in dd/mm/yyyy format.
If you have configured MAS, Accounts or AO GL, ensure that the workpaper period matches the period in the underlying ledger. Otherwise, this isn't required, because interim periods won't be closed off.
To produce a report for the period
  1. Open the client record and navigate to the Client Accounting > Reports tab.
  2. From the list of reports, notes and policies in the Reports table, select the checkbox for the reports you wish to include.
  3. For each selected report, note or policy, click in the Layout column and change the Period Type to one of the following:

    Period type



    Period to date/Year to date


    Period to date/Last year period to date

    PTDPeriod to date
    PTD/LYPeriod to date/Last year

  4. From the Period selector, located at the bottom of the Reports tab, click on the drop-down menu to change the reporting period.For example, to generate a report from the beginning of the financial year to December, select the end month to be December. The start month is ignored in this case. The report will then display the figures from the start of the financial year to December. A comparison column will be available in the generated report with the figures from the start of the previous financial year to the previous December.

  5. Click Preview Reports.

    A warning is displayed if there are unallocated accounts (accounts which have not been allocated to an account group) or duplicated accounts (accounts which have been added to more than one account group).

    A generating reports progress bar is displayed. The Report Preview window opens.

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