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Securing your data with Task Permissions

Setting up task permissions are used to define the permissions for staff team members using Client Accounting, Workpapers, Assets Live and Statutory Reporter.

Certain actions can be controlled by whether they are performed by a particular staff Security groups. For example, some staff members may be restricted from approving or deleting workpapers.

The following table lists the task permissions which can be set for Client Accounting and its modules, and what actions the permission will enable or prevent the staff team member from performing.


Task Permissions for Client Accounting




Allows the staff member to configure a ledger to Client Accounting

#Create new Ledger

Allows the staff member to create a new MYOB Ledger

#Define Income Allocation

Allows the staff member to set up the distribution of profit or loss in MYOB ledger

#Delete Ledger

Allows the staff member to delete an MYOB ledger

#Import client file #Delete Previous Import

Allows the staff member to delete previously imported files saved in Client Accounting

#Launch Ledger

Allows the staff member to view an MYOB ledger in the web browser.
#MigrationAllows the staff member to migrate a MAS, AE Accounts or AO Classic General Ledger to MYOB Ledger
#Perform Opening ReviewAllows the staff member to perform an Opening Review
#Request access to AccountRight Company FileAllows the staff member to request File access to an AccountRight Company File via Client Accounting.
#Set Lock Date

Allows the staff member to lock a workpaper period.

#View LedgerAllows the staff member to view the ledger in the MAS, AE Accounts, AO Classic General Ledger, AccountRight or Essentials file.
[Maintenance][Client Accounting][Client Accounting Settings]Allows the staff member to access the Maintenance > Maintenance Map > Client Accounting > Client Accounting Settings.
Task Permissions for Workpapers



#View Workpaper Homepage

Enables the Workpapers homepage icon on the main toolbar of AE/AO and allows the staff member to open the Workpapers homepage to view and manage all the Workpapers that they have In Progress.

#Approve Workpaper

Allows the staff member to approve a workpaper i.e set the status of a workpaper to approved. 

#Delete Workpaper

Allows the staff member to delete an attached workpaper from a workpaper period. 

#Delete Workpaper Period

Allows the staff member to delete workpaper periods which have not been started.

#Modify Completed Period

Allows the staff member to open and modify a completed workpaper period. A warning message is displayed indicating that the period has been completed and the balances and workpapers may have rolled over to a new period.

#Define Balance Forward Accounts

Allows the staff member to define, modify and remove balance forward accounts.
#Maintenance #Workpapers #Approve TemplateAllow the staff member to approve customised workpaper templates
 [Maintenance][Client Accounting][Workpaper Templates]Enables Workpapers Designer in the Maintenance Map and allows the staff member to create and customise workpaper templates.
Task Permissions for Assets



#Add Year

Allows the staff member to add a new year in the Assets tab of Client Accounting

#Delete Register

Allows the staff member to delete an Assets register in the Assets tab of Client Accounting

#Delete Year

Allows the staff member to delete an Assets year


Allows the staff member to migrate existing data from AE Assets and AO Classic General Ledger - Fixed Assets module to Assets live.

#Register Settings

Allows the staff member to modify the Asset Register settings

#View in browser

Allows the staff member to view the Assets Register in a web browsers
Task Permissions for Statutory Reporter
#Account Groups

Allows the staff member to edit account groups at client level

#Non Transaction DataAllows the staff member to edit report Non-Transaction Data at client level
#ParagraphsAllows the staff member to add or edit report paragraphs at client level
#Rename ReportAllows the staff member to change the name of a report at client level
#Column header for the pageAllows the staff member to add or edit column headers at client level
#Display Account Codes

Allows the staff member to enable or disable account codes to be displayed on reports at client level

#Display Page NumbersAllows the staff member to enable or disable page numbers to be displayed on reports at client level
#Include Cover PageAllows the staff member to enable or disable cover pages to be included in reports at client level
#Include Table of ContentsAllows the staff member to enable or disable a table of contents to be included in reports at client level
#Modify FontAllows the staff member to change the report font in the Report Options settings at client level
#Modify ImageAllows the staff member to add or modify images in the Report Options settings at client level
#Modify Page MarginsAllows the staff member to make changes to the page margins used in reports
#Modify RoundingAllows the staff member to add or modify the account codes used to allocate rounding error.
#Modify Style SetAllows the staff member to make changes to the Practice Style Set
#Modify WatermarkAllows the staff member to add or change the watermark in the Report Options settings at client level
#Override Mandatory SelectionsAllows the staff member to de-select practice mandatory reports at client level
#Preview with Duplicate AccountsAllows the staff member to preview reports with duplicated accounts

#Preview with Unallocated Accounts

Allows the staff member to preview reports with unallocated accounts
#Re-order reportsAllows the staff member to change the order of reports are printed at client level.
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