Setting up task permissions are used to define the permissions for staff team members using Client Accounting, Workpapers, Assets Live and Statutory Reporter.
Certain actions can be controlled by whether they are performed by a particular staff Security groups. For example, some staff members may be restricted from approving or deleting workpapers.
The following table lists the task permissions which can be set for Client Accounting and its modules, and what actions the permission will enable or prevent the staff team member from performing.
Task Permissions for Client Accounting
Allows the staff member to configure a ledger to Client Accounting
#Create new Ledger
Allows the staff member to create a new MYOB Ledger
#Define Income Allocation
Allows the staff member to set up the distribution of profit or loss in MYOB ledger
#Delete Ledger
Allows the staff member to delete an MYOB ledger
#Import client file #Delete Previous Import
Allows the staff member to delete previously imported files saved in Client Accounting
#Launch Ledger
Allows the staff member to view an MYOB ledger in the web browser.
Allows the staff member to migrate a MAS, AE Accounts or AO Classic General Ledger to MYOB Ledger
#Perform Opening Review
Allows the staff member to perform an Opening Review
#Request access to AccountRight Company File
Allows the staff member to request File access to an AccountRight Company File via Client Accounting.
#Set Lock Date
Allows the staff member to lock a workpaper period.
#View Ledger
Allows the staff member to view the ledger in the MAS, AE Accounts, AO Classic General Ledger, AccountRight or Essentials file.
Allows the staff member to access the Maintenance > Maintenance Map > Client Accounting > Client Accounting Settings.
Task Permissions for Workpapers
#View Workpaper Homepage
Enables the Workpapers homepage icon on the main toolbar of AE/AO and allows the staff member to open the Workpapers homepage to view and manage all the Workpapers that they have In Progress.
#Approve Workpaper
Allows the staff member to approve a workpaper i.e set the status of a workpaper to approved.
#Delete Workpaper
Allows the staff member to delete an attached workpaper from a workpaper period.
#Delete Workpaper Period
Allows the staff member to delete workpaper periods which have not been started.
#Modify Completed Period
Allows the staff member to open and modify a completed workpaper period. A warning message is displayed indicating that the period has been completed and the balances and workpapers may have rolled over to a new period.
#Define Balance Forward Accounts
Allows the staff member to define, modify and remove balance forward accounts.
#Maintenance #Workpapers #Approve Template
Allow the staff member to approve customised workpaper templates