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Setting general details for a small business pool (SBP) asset

Australia only

The last step in the wizard will be either Step 3 or Step 4 of the of the Create New Asset Wizard depending the Asset Register Settings. You can enter general details of the asset, the data is optional.

To enter the asset’s general details
  1. Ensure that you have completed Setting taxation details for a small business pool (SBP) asset and Setting accounting details for a small business pool (SBP) asset.
  2. Enter the Serial number. This is the serial number of the asset, if available. The Serial number field is limited to a maximum of 50 alphanumeric characters.
  3. Enter the Units. The asset quantity, if available or relevant. For example, if you have six office chairs as an asset, the value of the Units would be 6. The Units must be a value between 0 and 9999.
  4. Select the appropriate Location of the asset from the drop-down. This is the physical location of the asset. The available options are those that have been configured using Maintenance > Location. See Creating a new asset location. If you want to add another location, click the Click to add location option from the drop-down. The Add Location window opens for you to create another location. See Creating a new asset location. Once you have completed creating another location the drop-down will be refreshed with the new option(s) so that it can be selected at this stage.
  5. Enter the Insurance details of the asset, if appropriate.
    1. Enter the Insurer details. The Insurer field is limited to a maximum of 50 alphanumeric characters.
    2. Enter the Premium due date. By default, the Premium due date field is automatically filled with the Year start date, if you are in integrated mode. Enter the date in the format dd/mm/yyyy or select the date from the drop-down calendar. A blank date (the None option) can be selected from the drop-down calendar.
    3. Enter the insurance Premium amount. This is a numeric field of a maximum of 27 digits including 2 decimal places.
    4. Enter the Insured value of the asset. This is a numeric field of a maximum of 27 digits including 2 decimal places.
  6. Enter any Notes. The Notes section is a free format text field and it does not contain any formatting functions.
  7. Click Finish. The Create New Asset Wizard closes. The newly created asset is added to the database for the selected year and is displayed on the Assets Listing page.
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