The Share It feature lets you easily save files to your client document folder and transfer files directly to your MYOB Portal.
You can share your financial statement or export it to Word, Excel or as a PDF.
If you don't have Document Manager, the Export icon in the Report Preview will save the financial statement in the nominated window explorer directory.
If you have Document Manager, the Share It icon in the Report Preview will save the financial statement in Document Manager.
Before you use Share It, ensure that you have:
set the default folder where documents will be saved for your client. You can do this in Maintenance > Maintenance Map (AO) > Documents > Mail Settings > Document Startup Path.
created your client portals.
To save a financial statement using Share It
If you don't have Document Manager
Use the Export icon in the Report Preview. The financial statement is saved in the nominated window explorer directory.
If you have Document Manager
Preview the financial statement for the client. The Report Preview window appears.
On the Report Preview window toolbar, click Share it. The Create Document Wizard opens.
On the Details tab, review and edit the information as required:
Contact—the contact associated with the financial statements is automatically selected.
Title—a short description which can be used to identify the document. The title indicates the client name and financial period the financial statements have been produced for.
Author—the username of the user currently logged in. Click the ellipsis button to change the author.
Status—the status of the document.
Document Type—the type of document being imported into Document Manager. The default document type is PDF.
Date Created—the date the financial statements were created. To change the date, select a new date from the drop-down calendar.
Source—the Outbound option is used if the document is being sent from the practice and the Inbound option is used if it has been received.
Click Next to go to the Profiling tab.
On the Profiling tab, review and edit the information as required:
Filing Cabinet—from the drop-down, select a Filing Cabinet in which to store the new document.
Assignment—if the selected Filing Cabinet has assignments, select an assignment from the drop-down. If the selected Filing Cabinet does not have assignments, the Assignment field will be inactive.
Category—Click the ellipse button to select Category fields for the PDF report. Enter the Value for each category.
Click Finish to close the wizard. The financial statements is imported into Document Manager.
To publish a statutory report to your MYOB Portal if you don’t have Document Manager
Open your client > Client Accounting > Reports tab.
Select your reporting period.
Click Preview Reports. The report is generated in the Report Preview window.
. The Share document dialogue displays.
Your client’s details are automatically filled in the Contact field. The Save to client document folder checkbox is selected by default and the Client document folder field is a read-only field that displays the Document Startup Path previously set for each client in Maintenance > Maintenance Map (AO) > Documents > Mail Settings.
Select the Publish to client portal checkbox to publish the statutory report to your client portal.
This option will only be available if a client portal has been created for your client.
Click OK. The document is saved to the client document folder and the Publish to Client Portal Name portal page in MYOB Accountants Enterprise/Accountants Office Live opens where Client Portal Name is the name of the client portal that you are publishing documents to. See MYOB AE Live helpfor more information.
To publish a statutory report to your MYOB Portal if you have Document Manager
This only works if:
the status of the document is Completed or Approved, and
you have created the client portal.
Preview the financial statement for the client. The Report Preview window appears.
Click Share It from the toolbar of the preview window, you will receive the following message: The document has been saved into Document Manager. Do you also want to publish it to the client portal?
If you click No, the document won’t be published to the portal, but will be saved in Document Manager.
Click Yes to publish the document to the portal. Your document will be saved into Document Manager and the Publish to Client Portal Name portal page in MYOB Accountants Enterprise/Accountants Office Live opens where Client Portal Name is the name of the client portal that you are publishing documents to.
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