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Configuring the contact document location and structure

The procedure for configuring the contact document location and structure is similar to that performed for client documents, see Configuring the client document location and structure.

To set up the contact document location and structure
  1. Open the Document Migration Wizard. See Opening the Document Migration Wizard.

  2. Ensure that you have completed Checking your client directory mappings and previous sections.

  3. Ensure that you are on the Contact documents - directory structure page.

  4. Enter or browse for the Start location of documents to be migrated. This is a mandatory field.

  5. Click the Browse button to open the Browse For Folder window and select the start location of the contact documents to be migrated.

  6. Click OK.

  7. Specify the usage of each directory level below the start location.

    You must have at least one level to identify the contact name.

  8. In the first empty row of the table, enter:
    1. the Directory Level. The input for the cells of the Directory Level column are automatically generated by the program. There is no need to enter anything in the first cell.

    2. Directory Filing Information. Click the cell to reveal a drop-down arrow. Click the arrow and select the appropriate option.
    3. Map to DM field. Click the cell to reveal a drop-down arrow. Click the arrow and select the appropriate Document Manager field that will be mapped to this filing information.
    4. Map Complete. Click the Map Complete cell. No is automatically entered in the cell and a map hyperlink is automatically entered in the cell to the left. This will enable you to enter mapping rules for these fields. You must specify the mapping rules to be used.
      Examples for a client name:
      <Surname><comma><space><First Name> or
      <First Name><Surname> or
      The difference between the ContactName and FullContactName rules is:
      ContactName = FirstName space LastName
      FullContactName = Title space FirstName space LastName
    5. Press [Tab] for the entry row to move into the table.
  9. Click the Preview Structure button to preview the directory structure.
  10. If you have made an error or you would like to redo your structure, click the Remove All Mappings button. This will remove all current mappings so that you can start again.
  11. To remove individual entries, highlight the row and click [Delete].

  12. You can change the order of the created directory structure using the up and down arrows.

  13. Click the map hyperlink to enter mapping rules for a directory level. A specific window opens enabling you to enter and select the rules for a particular directory level. Once the mapping has been performed, a Yes  will appear in the Map Complete cell.

  14. If you do not set a Filing Cabinet directory level, you can then define all documents to be set against the same filing cabinet using the drop-down field at the bottom of the screen.

  15. Click Next. The Validate contact documents directory mappings page opens.

Proceed to Checking your contact directory mappings.

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