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Directory folder structure

This help topic describes the folder structure for both single folder and multiple folder levels.


If you have a single folder level structure

If your existing documents are stored using the client as the identifier at the first folder level, then all documents relating to each client should be stored in a directory labelled with the client code.

This is shown in the following example:

single folder level structure

If you have a multiple folder level structure

If your existing document structure has multiple levels, then this structure can be replicated during Document Manager migration. This is dependent on:

  • your Document Manager Filing Cabinet, and
  • how the Extra’s are set up.

Each folder level must be common throughout your existing structure, in order to be imported correctly into Document Manager.

Example 1:

From the above example, you can see that:

  • Client Code is the first folder level


  • Work Type is the second folder level

    • Accounting

    • Corporate Compliance

    • Financial Planning

    • Pre-DM (Other)

  • Year is the third folder level

    • 2008 - 2013

    • Previous

    • Permanent

    • Pre-DM (Other)

Each client may have one or more Windows folder levels under the client code level.

If the spelling of the clients folder is correct, then the Document Migration will import the documents accordingly.

In the above example, the documents for the client, ABBOTRANK, have further folders within the Accounting, 2008 year. This fourth level folder is not common throughout the remaining folder structure. During the document migration, any documents stored within these fourth level folders will be imported in to the prior level. For example, documents within ABBOTRANK/Accounting/2008/Marks Docs will be imported into ABBOTRANK/Accounting/2008. It is possible to flag the name of this folder as the keyword field for each document within this fourth level folder.

If documents that are stored in folders that are outside of any of the relevant levels or in folders that are named incorrectly, these will be imported into the Pre-DM (Other) year and/or Pre-DM (Other) Filing Cabinet, respectively. See possible mappings in Document properties.

Example 2:

From the above example, you can see that:

  • Year is the first folder level

    • 2008

  • Work Type is the second folder level

    • Accounting

    • Corporate Compliance

    • Financial Planning

    • Correspondence

  • Client Code is the third folder level


If the Client Code is used as a specified level throughout the directory structure, the Document Migration will import the documents and set them against the correct client in Practice Manager / Document Manager.

In the above example, the document for the client, ABBOTRANK, also have further folders within the Accounting, 2008 year. This fourth level folder is not common throughout the remaining folder structure. During the document migration, any documents stored within these fourth level folders will be imported in to the prior level. For example, documents within 2008/Accounting/ABBOTRANK/Marks Docs will be imported in to 2008/Accounting/ABBOTRANK.

It is possible to flag the name of this folder as the keyword field for each document within the fourth level.

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