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Specifying filing cabinet extra fields

The Filing Cabinet Extra Fields page is where you can specify the extra fields that will have a default value for all the migrated documents for each Document Manager Filing Cabinet.

To specify the filing cabinet extra fields:


  1. Open the Document Migration Wizard. See Using the Document Migration Wizard.
  2. Ensure that you have completed Selecting documents that will not be migrated and previous sections.
  3. Ensure that you are on the Filing Cabinet Extra Fields page.
  4. For each Filing Cabinet, click the Edit hyperlink. The Set Filing Cabinet Extra Values window opens listing the configured extra values for the filing cabinet.
  5. Enter values for all mandatory extra fields.

    Ensure that mandatory extra fields are not left blank. You will receive a validation message if mandatory fields are blank. You must complete them before you can proceed

  6. To add another extra value category:

    1. Click

      . The Select extra fields window opens.

    2. Click the checkbox adjacent to the field(s) that is to be added.

    3. Click the checkbox in the heading row to select all of the listed fields.

    4. Click OK. The extra value categories are added to the list.

  7. To remove an extra values category:

    1. Highlight the row of the selected category.

    2. Click


  8. Click Next. The Document migration confirmation page opens listing all the selections that have been made for the document migration.
    Proceed to Confirming the document migration.

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