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Adding and removing employees from security groups

This topic explains how to add or change an employee's security group.


To add and change an employee’s employee security group
  1. Select MaintenanceMaintenance Map >Security > Employee Group Security on the main menu. The Maintenance Employee Group Security page opens.

  2. Enter the name of the employee in the Employee field.
    Click the magnifying glass button to find and select the employee from the Find Employees window. See Finding and opening employee records. The Maintenance Employee Group Security page updates showing the selected employee’s name.

  3. Select the group that you want to add the employee to, in the Is not a member of… panel.

  4. Click

    to move the group to the Is a member of… panel.
    To add all groups to the employee, click
    . The employee will have access permissions for all groups.

  5. Repeat steps 3 - 4 for each group as required.

  6. To remove an employee from the group, select the group in the Is a member of… panel.

  7. Click

     to move the group to the Is not a member of… panel.

  8. To delete all groups, click

    . The employee will have no access permissions for the groups.

  9. Click OK to save the changes and close the Maintenance Employee Group Security page.

  10. Close and re-open Practice Manager for the changes to take effect.
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